Hare krsna Gurumaharaja. Tlgasp! desde NVM Yasodanandana das & family.

3 years, 8 months ago by Yasodanand208 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Brihuega Nueva Vraja Mandala 6 junio

Querido Hanumat Presaka Swami..! Tlgasp!

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias a sus divinos pies de loto!

Muestre su compasion para con nosotros por no haberle enviado el reporte anual pasado.

En Diciembre realizamos la mudanza del pueblo a NVM con todo lo que implica.

Estamos profundamente agradecidos por la instruccion que nos dio de quedarnos quietos en NVM, ciertamente estamos sintiendo la proteccion de krsna en todo momento..

Ekadrsti d.d ha podido confeccionar un vestido azul y plata para G:N que estrenaron en NITYANANDA TRAYODASI.. y tambien el set para Sri sri Radha Govindra Chandra..ahora esta en el equipo de costura para las deidades con Omkara d.d..

Por mi parte estoy haciendo el 2º modulo de Bhakti sastri y el PadaPadma, 1º modulo de Bhakti vaibhava... ademas vamos a comenzar un curso sobre cuidado al devoto en ISKCON.

En mi sadhana personal canto 16 rondas con entusiasmo y me esfuerzo por mejorar la atencion, 3 gayatris, voy alternando mangal arati a veces en templo otras veces en casa.. y cantar en las tardes el goura arati.

Yadunandana swami me organiza para impartir Srimad Bhagavatam 2 sabados al mes y 2 domingos cocinar para los devotos( fiesta del domingo)

Nitay pr ya cumplio 13 años..esta aprendiendo Konfu, samskrito, canto de mantras vedicos, mrdunga y armonio con Narottam Vilas pr.. gurukuli hijo de Mahalaksmi d.d que le transmite mucho conocimiento que aprendio en 10 años en Sri Dham Mayapur.

Ekadrsti esta cantando mas rondas que antes pero todavia no esta fija en las 16 rondas..!

Vrind a con 11 años esta aprendiendo canto, instrumentos Odissi danza y hace servicio en pujaris con Satvika d.d.

Yamuna con 6 años tambien baila Odissi y juega con sus amigas de la granja. los 3 van a la escuela publica en Brihuega.

Madhu Gouranga con 3 años ya va al gurukula , pinta muy bien, le encantan las plantas y el agua.

El dia 13 de mayo Madhu Gouranga sufrio una grave agresion por unos perros Dogos argentinos de un vecino e la granja que se soltaron. el dia 14 Desiree abandono el cuerpo y el dia 15 Avesa rupa pr, hemos estado sumergidos en momentos de muchos challenges..

Entendemos que Madhu Goranga ha pagado un Karma y por otro lado Sri Nrsimha deva lo ha protegido completamente, ahora ya esta bastante recuperado.

Ekadrsti a modo de agradecimiento a pedido a Venudhara pr el servicio de hacer las guirnaldas para Laksmi Nrsimha deva y el accedio felizmente.

Los padres en la granja despues de lo ocurrido hemos visto que faltan Ksatriyas para defender o protejer a la comunidad y a las familias en particular.

Despues de acabar el curso de cuidado al devoto he pensado proponerme para formar un equipo de proteccion y seguridad en la NVM.

Que piensa usted Gurumaharaj? Seria un servicio apropiado? Cual es su punto de vista sobre todo esto??

Esperando y deseando se encuentre bien de salud, nos despedimos de usted querido Gurumaharaj.. Sus inutiles sirvientes

Ekadrsti D.d y Yasodanandana Das & family.

Hare krsna! Todas las glorias a AC BHaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada!


Brihuega New Vraja Mandala June 6

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami ..! Tlgasp!

Please accept our humble obeisances at your divine lotus feet!

HpS - Our divine lotus feet are in Goloka. We are using our physical feet here. 😉

Show your compassion for us for not sending you the last annual report.

HpS - You are a devil but maybe we will forgive you.

In December we made the move of the town to NVM with all that it implies.

We are deeply grateful for the instruction he gave us to stay still in NVM, we are certainly feeling the protection of krsna at all times.

Ekadrsti d.d has been able to make a blue and silver dress for G: N which premiered at NITYANANDA TRAYODASI .. and also the set for Sri sri Radha Govindra Chandra .. now she is in the sewing team for the deities with Omkara d.d ..

HpS - Can do the same service in Vrndavana.

For my part I am doing the 2nd module of Bhakti sastri and the PadaPadma, 1st module of Bhakti vaibhava ... also we are going to start a course on devotee care in ISKCON.

In my personal sadhana I chant 16 rounds with enthusiasm and strive to improve my attention, 3 gayatris, I alternate mangal arati sometimes in the temple other times at home ... and sing the goura arati in the afternoons.

Yadunandana swami organizes me to teach Srimad Bhagavatam 2 Saturdays a month and 2 Sundays cooking for the devotees (Sunday feast)

Nitay pr has already turned 13 years old .. he is learning Kong fu, samskrito, chanting of vedic mantras, mrdunga and harmonium with Narottam Vilas pr .. gurukuli son of Mahalaksmi d.d who transmits much knowledge that he learned in 10 years in Sri Dham Mayapur.

Ekadrsti is singing more rounds than before but is still not fixed on the 16 rounds ..!

Vrinda with 11 years is learning singing, Odissi dance instruments and doing service in pujaris with Satvika d.d.

Yamuna with 6 years also dances Odissi and plays with her friends from her farm. all 3 go to public school in Brihuega.

Madhu Gouranga with 3 years already goes to the gurukula, he paints very well, he loves plants and water.

On May 13, Madhu Gouranga suffered a serious attack by some Argentine Dogos dogs from a neighbor on the farm that got loose. On the 14th Desiree left the body and on the 15th Avesa rupa pr, we have been immersed in moments of many challenges ..

HpS - Wow!!!!! Who is Desiree? Hope Madhu Gouranga was pulled up into higher consciousness when the dogs were creating a disturbance on the lower one. It is like M. Pariksit and the Brahmastra of Ashvattama, no? Were the dogs incinerated?

We understand that Madhu Goranga has paid a Karma and on the other hand Sri Nrsimha deva has completely protected him, now he is already quite recovered.

Ekadrsti by way of thanks in requesting Venudhara for the service of making the garlands for Laksmi Nrsimha deva and he happily agreed.

The parents on the farm after what happened we have seen that Ksatriyas are missing to defend or protect the community and families in particular.

After finishing the devotee care course, I thought about proposing to form a protection and security team at the NVM.

What do you think Gurumaharaj? Would it be an appropriate service? What is your point of view on all this?

HpS - Even an automobile tire company has security people, so some people to deal with these problems seems very practical. Of course, you, Yadu everyone can make practical decisions.

Hoping and wishing you are in good health, we say goodbye to you dear Gurumaharaj .. Your useless servants

Ekadrsti D.d and Yasodanandana Das & family.

Hare krsna! All glories to A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - Thank you. Hope you have practical engagement for your senses. Maybe the Russians will need some one to translate for them in Brihuelga.
