Seeing that all living entities are our guru

3 years, 9 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

All glories to Srila A. C.Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada.

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Giridhari.

I enjoyed the insights in your last letter, serving guru means serving Srila prabhupada this puts things in proper perspective.

Seeing that all living entities are our guru. this is a axiom worth striving for.

Presently I'm trying to serve the disciples with the best of my ability. most bramacharis are in there 20's.

My temple commander is Damodara carana das. He has the wisdom to lead in a supportive way. He engages me in the Food for Life Program and he makes the work seem so effortless, and I am inspired by their enthusiasm, and everyone fearless to do more outreach programs.

The elder devotees are miraculous. they have the experience to handle all of the considerations I might have.

Some of the senior devotees are

Dravida Dass.

Rajendrananda Dass

Para Shakti Dasi

Dharmasetu Dass and Dayanidhi Dass are rock solid in there service.

Vrindavan Dasi had to have a appendix surgery and Dayanidhi spent the evening at the hospital and he still made the morning program to dress the dietys. they are super servants of their Lordships.

I see that your schedule brings you for a super west coast visit.

I remember how the Boise community enjoyed your programs.

My understanding is H. H. Badrinarayan Swami e-mailed you regarding me becoming your disciple. did you by chance receive this message?

ASA - Aye, aye, Mate. We exchanged about messages and he's gonna send your beads on to chant.

I would personally would like to have your association while you're visiting in August.

HpS - Talking with Badri seems nice if you can be initiated in the ceremony in San Diego, but your could visit Boise while we are there for three weeks right after that. Nity-sara Das might be able to help you with accommodations.


Thanks for these exchanges as they help me understand the proper mind set a disciple should foster.

I appreciate your generosity of your time, your mastery of guru disciple relationship and the encouragement for me to continue on this path


Your servant Mike Jarvis

HpS - Thank you for your letter. First initiation, second initiation, third... fourth... fifth.. 122! More and more accomplishments are possible. Even Krsna is marveled by the possibilities of Vrndavana Dhama and Sankirtan in the material world.

First initiation, then learn how to integrate your full personal abilities in Krsna's service. Then be poetical about it!!