Urgent: Asa Carnival project-interview proposal

3 years, 9 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Dear Maharaja,


As I write this letter I hope you are well.

HpS - AGTSP! Thank you. The blessings of a chaste lady are not a small thing! I guess we are as well as you considering our differences in age.

On the part of ASA Carnival we are trying to improve our service and give contributions to our Vaisnava community and among our service proposals is to make a historical compilation of their preaching in Peru.

For this reason we ask for your help. We want to know how your preaching began in Peru through an interview with you, the topic would be: Beginning of the preaching of SSHPS in Peru, this is for both the current community and the future one, know from first source the details of this great event.

We consider this project to be of utmost importance because:

1 would be a didactic tool to be able to know, understand and analyze the development of ISKCON in Peru and can be of help to future generations.

2. It also allows us to understand Srila Prabhupada's vision through his realizations and understanding (having the input of Srila Prtabhupada's disciples is invaluable material).

3. It allows us to delve into his service work and, through his practical example, find our own place in Srila Prabhupada's army.

I Praying to Krsna and Srila Prabhupada allow us to carry out this service for which we very humbly ask you to grant us your help.

I bid you farewell, offering my obeisances again and again.

With respect and appreciation

Ys isvari R dd

Note: If that's okay with you, we can arrange a short meeting with you and the ASA Carnival team to coordinate details.

HpS - ASA - Of course, but we would want to make it a part of our movie: DIARY OF A TRAVELING CREATURE - The Ultimate Trip. One thought that occurs is that we should include people who were there from the beginning eg. Rupanuga Caitanya and Divya-vani, Daru Krsna Das, who else? Kanu Pandita. From our side it can even be edited by Ambarisa and Vrsabhanu nandini Devi Dasi with the director that Art Das has befriended.

Just propose a time and we can work on this.

There was Hollywood, then there was Bollywood (Bombay), and now we will have Lollywood (Lima [Pollywood (Peru)????]).