Parashuram or Bhisma?-2

3 years, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj,



This is letter is regarding your teachings and observation, esp with fool like us.

We think we like to be something like Hiranyakasipu with different reasons.

Once you said (in hawaii sanga) if Harsh Pradhan becomes prime minister, he will say Chant Hare Krsna, Otherwise I will launch ICBM.

Famous King Aurangzeb was also like this, externally he lived austere life, he always chanted on rosary.

Even present Pakistan Prime Minister does this.

We are much attracted to the opulence of Krsna of fame, renunciation, knowledge and Power, in decreasing order.

We heard one statement from Gauranga Prabhu in GEV during Narsingh Chaturdashi lecture.

"Hiranyakasipu could tolerate Tornados, but could not tolerate 'no' from a child."

We are very attracted to austerity, that's why we are also attracted to Bhisma, (somebody like Arnold Schazneggar and  still unmarried).

We are ever even attracted to Vishwamitra , who could create heaven himself.

we are even attracted to Shaolin Kung Fu, for that reason. One can does not fear lances, or rods etc.

ASA - We saw a video by a England born Indian who actually lived and study in Shaolin Monastery for several years. He was identifying the halls, people, proccess, friends, teachers, and said that this business about not being affected when kicked in sensitive place when by tourists was not true. It hurt but they were trained to not show it and then slip behind a tree and grimace and double over. 🤔

Seems Krsna book is very important for we who like soldier stories.

We still have hidden desire of head of state, we hear interview of big shots G-7, G-20 with that perspective,

what should be Prabhupada perspective on this problem?

HpS - Adjust to take first initiation = Sambandha, I am servant of Krsna.

Continue to second initation = Abhidheya, I am now developing my service in terms of my Ksatriya, B'mana, et al Karma, like Arjuna.

However we could see all this austerity is for our ego. It hardens us, not soften us. Our pride increases, we become very demanding and loose our soft side. We become very rough, critical.

Even austerity is what attracted us toward your self ( getting up at 130),

but we can see you dont get hard hearted instead you are becoming more soft.

We can see we can get deviated from Bhakti due to Yoga, Jnana and Karma (and decreasing order).

May be I was envious of Krsna he being Yogeswara.

Please guide me, how to use this attraction of austerity in manner which is useful for all souls.

ASA - This helps? Joan of Arc? but no solution for you, nor me, nor anyone except for becoming hero of Japa vrata.

hare krsna,

Harsh Pradhan