ASA(e) The World According to Brown.-2

3 years, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous letter

Hare Krsna Maharajm,PAMHO, AGTSP

replying to question askedm

q:Have there been any new postings to the file from these Blog posts, Category B?..

ans: no ,sir, we were waiting for your orders. esp as far our dull brain understand

that TB was suppose to give a structure then we would add more data in file. As file blue print is not yet clear, even though intentions are clear.

Can we have interaction with TB and others, to go ahead?

HpS/ASA - Our brain may have more claim to being dull than your brain since we are from USA and are 72-years old, so please help us. Yes, lettuce meat sum thyme. Catch us!

When horse feel tired, we remember, Parasurama, and swing 4 foot bamboo stick from Kerala (Parasurama Kshetra), We feel good. Even fighting is dance.

ASA - Real Ksatirya Dharma? Eat meat and drink wine?????? Yet, we can be Ksatriya inclined Brahmanas, no? !

We wish we could have Teacher who could go beyond gross, body movements.

ASA - Are there Tai Chi teachers accessible? Still, usually only goes up from visual to tactile focus. Earth, Water, Fire, Wood and Paper.

Wood and Paper????

Yes, in Chinese martial arts philosophy, Air is God!!

Dancing for Krsna with Kirtan, arati, is wonderful way to understand Pranayama and then Pratyara!!

Little info:

Capoeira (Portuguese pronunciation: [kapuˈejɾɐ] or [kaˈpwɐjɾɐ]) is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. It was practiced by enslaved Africans in Brazil at the beginning of the 16th century.

ASA - ! One devotee in San Jose, Cafilornia (near California) was master of that!

Hiryanakasipu could tolerate Tornados, all demigods had to tolerate his anger, till he personally attacks Prahlad...

Hiranyakasipu Schools vs Prahlad School .. Thats what education is all about.

ASA - God helps those who help themselves.

Sticks are fun!!

Hope to talk with you within a few weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for you association. You are such an example for us of determination. Hope your Sankirtan in the University is going well. The Queen and Prince are doing well.


Robert Downey, Sherlock Holmes, appreciates the Hare Krsnas.
