Petición de Siksa guru

3 years, 7 months ago by bhaktapiero in Special Category B

ASA[e] guru-tattva, siks guru

Hare Krishna Grudeva

Por favor acepte mi humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Quiero preguntarle, si es que usted me permite tomar la guía formal, siksa, de Su Santidad Yadunandana Swami.

HpS - AGTSP. Jayapataka Swami has some more formal structure in his relations with other siksa gurus and his disciples. I don't look at it in such formal way.

Anyone one who enlivens us en devotional service by citing from the presious acharyas or relevant scriptures is a Siksa guru.

The teach according to their level and natue.


I think you will be very well situated to accept Yadunandana Swami and Srila Prabhupada as tow of your Siksa gurus and me as one who has initiated you according to the scriptures. Annual report. Siksa and sisya naturally with FMP etc. etc.

Hace ya un tiempo que tenemos una comunicación de manera online y siento mucha inclinación por su prédica. Creo que el puede guiarme, para así seguir sirviendo las instrucciones que usted me ha entregado y las que nos ha dejado Srila Prabupada.

Espero su respuesta.

Su pequeño sirviente

Piyari Mohan das