Retomando el tema de Harinama diksha

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Gurumaharaja esperamos que la alergia no presente mayor inconveniente. Muchas gracias por Su ejemplar esfuerzo. 

Recientemente hubo cambio de administración en el templo de Sus Señorías Radha Madana Gopal, ahora el presidente es prabhu Sankirtana (padre de Govinda Pramodini dd y Lalita Radha dd de Monterrey) junto con otros devotos están atendiendo las necesidades inmediatas del templo.

Uno de los temas importantes es el cuidado de los devotos de la congregación pues el yatra ha atravesado por dificultades fuertes que de alguna manera han lastimado la fe de los practicantes y también considerar la pandemia que hizo que muchos devotos no puedan hacer sus servicios como regularmente lo hacían porque tienen familia que cuidar, por perdidas repentinas de familiares o cuestiones laborales y economía. 

Estoy en comunicación con las nuevas autoridades, compartimos el interés de dar seguimiento a los devotos y un tema importante son las iniciaciones que han sido congeladas por diferentes motivos. 

Las autoridades tienen mucho interés de apoyar el progreso espiritual de los aspirantes y dar el seguimiento necesario, por este interés le escribo para pedir sus bendiciones para que los aspirantes que están resistiendo las pruebas que estamos atravesando, que se encuentren luchando por su vida espiritual anhelando recibir refugio formal de Harinama diksha y segunda iniciación puedan dar este paso importante por favor.

Por ahora prabhu Sankirtana estará entrevistando a los aspirantes para conocer su determinación, sinceridad, estado de ánimo y compromisos para que si Usted lo permite se pueda agendar las iniciaciones online en un tiempo prudente mientras tanto ellos puedan continuar con los trámites necesarios de acuerdo a las leyes del GBC. Su Santidad Guruprasad Swami ha dado el voto de confianza a las autoridades para los trámites correspondientes. 

Cuando tengan la lista supervisada de los candidatos la harán conocer por este medio, por ahora quisimos hacerle conocer con humildad las intenciones de apoyo que tiene el templo. 

Gurumaharaja muchas gracias por su gentil atención. 

Disculpe nuestras ofensas por favor. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - We are ashamed to take so long to answer this important letter, even after you took the time to help us with a letter to Whatsapp. Caused by laziness, old age, travel... please give us your mercy so we can do our work better.

Gurumaharaja we hope that the allergy does not present a major problem. Thank you very much for his exemplary effort.

HpS - As we mention in the Kapi Dhvaja today (also late), it was almost zero en Houston but back in Tennessee it is little strain.

Recently there was a change of administration in the temple of Their Lordships Radha Madana-Gopal, now the President is Prabhu Sankirtana (father of Govinda Pramodini dd and Lalita Radha dd of Monterrey) and along with other devotees are taking care of the immediate needs of the temple.

One of the important issues is the care of the devotees of the congregation since the Yatra has gone through strong difficulties that somehow have hurt the faith of the practitioners and also consider the pandemic that made many devotees unable to perform their services regularly, They reduced it because they have family to take care of, due to sudden loss of family or work and financial issues.

I am in communication with the new authorities, we share an interest in following up with the devotees and an important issue is the initiations that have been frozen for different reasons.

The authorities are very interested in supporting the spiritual progress of the aspirants and giving the necessary follow-up, for this interest I am writing to ask for your blessings so that the aspirants who are resisting the trials that we are going through, who find themselves fighting for their spiritual life yearning receive formal shelter of Harinama diksha and second initiation can you take this important step, please.

HpS - As you can see, we are trying to represent our Acharya, Srila Prabhupada, just like you, Sankirtan Das, aspirants, so we hope we can cooperate and do our part.

For now, Prabhu Sankirtana will be interviewing the applicants to know their determination, sincerity, state of mind and commitments so that if you allow it, the initiations can be scheduled online in a reasonable time, while they can continue with the necessary procedures according to the GBC laws. His Holiness Guruprasad Swami has given the vote of confidence to the authorities for the corresponding procedures.

When they have the supervised list of candidates, they will make it known by this means, for now we wanted to humbly inform you of the supportive intentions that the temple has.

Gurumaharaja thank you very much for your kind attention.

Excuse our offenses please.

Your eternal aspirant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - Of course, there are the two sides of the process: Brahmnical and Ksatriyal, GBC and Guru. From our side, we need to have some personal relation with the aspirants. We had that when we could visit. They were very fine people.

Now it night be possible if they attend classes we are presenting, join this Blog like your good self, and/or the Full Morning Program.


Our respects to all of the servants and children of Radha Madana-gopal.