Bhakti Shastri Course Completed

3 years, 9 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to you

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Guru Maharaj hope you are doing well

HpS - AGTSP! Paoho our obeisance from down here a 200ft above sea level. Today is last day in Houston, Nila-madhava Dhama. For one week we have had no hay fever, allergy. Incredible. What will happen tomorrow?

Extremely Sorry for not writing for a long time..... I was little disturbed as my father was admitted in the hospital due to covid... and he was in critical condition for couple of days...

Now he got discharged and is in the process of recovery.

HpS - Dying is fine. Our body becomes compost for other bodies. Live or die, serve "The King"!!

Few of my relatives left their body due to covid.. and my Shiksha Guru Madhuri Rasa Mataji informed that her father passed away due to covid.. I had a good relationship with Prabhuji.. We all studied together for the Bhagawad Gita (Last book for Bhakti Shastri Exam).

HpS - It hurts to lose them!!!! Yet, we are connected. We will never lose contact with those with whom we engage in Krsna Katha, read Srila Prabhupada's books.

These things was completely draining my mind and was making me difficult to perform my daily sadhana.. Somehow my your mercy I was able to do some services in Sri Radha Kalachandji Temple..... and chant 16 rounds daily... and take care of our deities Sri Nitai Navadwip Chandra...

HpS - Super Chica!!!

Maharaj by your mercy I was able to complete the Bhakti Shastri Course. Gopal Hari prabhu is yet to publish the results.

But he informed Srinatha Krishna Das that i have passed the exams.

HpS - Very nice. Let it all settle in your heart. Look over all the books informally. Maybe Pada padma, Cantos One and Two, Bh. Vaibhava style.

Guru Maharaj i have started reading the book “ I’ll Build you a Temple” written by HH Giriraj Swami Maharaj. It is such an interesting and amazing story.... I am so eager to complete the book.... I hope that I will finish the book soon.

HpS - Where are you? Where can we establish New Ashoka van in Peru? We have vaccination. Our idea is to rent about 5 hedtares with a hacienda other property and make a movie, puppets etc. Have good hygiene and quarantine before anyone enters. Nice garden houses for quarantine. Where should we do that? Good idea? Show the world how to live happily in this mental hospital.

Guru Maharaj always keep me engaged in your service

HpS - That's easy.

Yours Servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

HpS - Ha! Ha! Ha! I thought you were Divya drsti Devi Dasi!!!! How wonderful. You have an alter ego in the Himalayas of Peru!!! Maybe this is a message. You are going to be carried with Srinatha Das to Peru!!! Was so, so, so nice to see you all few days ago. So, nice. your cookies and burfi were gobbled up by greedy children and adults within a a very short time.

You must get to know Divya drsti. She is very very humble happy girl.

