Con deseos de escribirle hace tiempo

3 years, 9 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna querido Gurudev,

Reverencias a Sus pies de Loto

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!

Gracias por las clases, disculpe que no he podido particar más activamente,un nectar poder verlo en la mañana

Me encuentro en Sierra de los Padres, hace 5 meses, estoy ayudando en el Servicio del Pujari, los Devotos son muy generosos y tolentes con Migo, estoy muy agradecido por su afecto.

Hace un año ya que llegue de India a Argentina( estube varado, creo haberle informado) y desde esa fecha hasta ahora estube trabajando mucho como obrero, desde mayo del año anterior hasta Enero haciendo carpinteria, y lo que va de este año he hecho mucha albañilería, ahora más tranqui, quiero enfocarme en la Sastra, ahora que podido acondicionar una habitación aquí , para pasar bien el invierno,tengo que completar rondas, que adeudo que fue informado ya para antes del Vyasa Puja, con algunas preguntas sobre Sastra las cuales más adelante pienso formular para enviarle.

Este libro estaba en la casa de mis padres y me lo regaló mi Madre

Gracias por aceptarme como Su discípulo, apesar de mi condición Tullida

Intentando Ser Su Sirviente y Discípulo Adi Yajña Das


Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudev,

Obeisances at His Lotus Feet

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada !!

Thanks for the classes, excuse me that I have not been able to participate more actively, a nectar to be able to see you in the morning.

I am in Sierra de los Padres, since 5 months ago, I am helping in the Pujari Service, the Devotees are very generous and tolerant with Migo, I am very grateful for their affection.

It has been a year since I arrived from India to Argentina (I was stranded, I think I have informed you) and from that date until now I have been working a lot as a laborer, from May of the previous year to January doing carpentry, and so far this year I have done a lot masonry, now calmer, I want to focus on the Sastra, now that I have been able to prepare a room here, to spend the winter well.

I have to complete rounds, which I must have already informed before the Vyasa Puja, with some questions about Sastra which later I plan to formulate to send you.

This book was in my parents' house and my mother gave it to me.

Thank you for accepting me as her disciple, despite my crippled condition

Trying to be His Servant and Disciple, Adi Yajña Das

HpS - Our eyes are failing as we write this. A few letters and we cannot write any more.

Very nice. It forces us to say that now is your time to take over the work as Sannyasis, Guru etc.

You news is very inspiring!

All the challenges, pandemic, that we go through with the association of the Holy Name, second by second, bead by bead, make us stronger. Wake up our full potential!

Find the resources you love in Srila Prabhupada's books.

Do you live Uddhava x Vidura dialog in the beginning of Canto Three?

Will you be Uddhava some day and someone else Vidura.

Wait for other questions.