Pranams from New Govinda dham

3 years, 9 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

all glories to HH Grace Hanumatpresaka

all glories to his Divine grace a.c. Bhaktivedanta swami Prabhupada.

Glories to Jaya Sri Sri Radha Giridhari.

As your instructions, you wanted me to keep you informed of my sadhana at the San Diego temple.

I'm getting so much support from an ever expanding community and feel that I'm learning the most important knowledge that there is.

Hopefully I can download some pics and you'll get an idea how vital the temple is to ones advancement

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 7:15 Pm is Bhagavad Gita classes.
  • And daily Srimad Bhagavatam classes.
  • Thursday's are for farm Seva
  • Friday's are shopping days for bhoga and sometimes prasadum and book distribution
  • Saturdays are Mridanga lessons and Harinam at the board walk at Pacific beach.also so fortunate to do deity back-up my favorite service.
  • And since the temple has reopened more, the Sunday program is popular along with the Bhaki Lounge on Thursday evenings.

It's wonderful to see the temple full of activities and everyone happy to see each other again after such a long time of isolation.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Paoho. We made it to Houston and the Temple is open for the morning program but with face masks. It is a challenge to us as we are very sensitive to Carbon Dioxide poisoning. As a child we passed out in church when surrounded big ladies. (Nice ladies).

So, so, many programs.

Adapting to new habits.

Many new advantages and deficiencies.

Sorry mail response little slow but looks like we, you-me, can make it to the next station!!

I feel vary happy and am surprised that they are able to tolerate this fool.

You're time is most important with all that you're handling.

And everyone tells me how their life has changed after being in service to Guru and Krsna.

I can't imagine how I'd go about serving Guru but am able to take instructions.

You're plans for the future are ambitious, if there's any thing I can help with please let me know.

Your aspiring 🐕 Mike jarvis

HpS - You correspondences are super useful. Serving Guru means serving Srila Prabhupada and his disciples in proper perspective. Ultimately, 'trnad api sahisnuna', it means seeing that all living entities are our Gurus. Of course, that is an advanced stage of purification, but we can make rapid progress.

How is the Dayanidhi Das et al?