DTC Th(6)

3 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

.Krsna Krsna,

. Krsna Krsna,

Krsna Krsna,

. Krsna Hay!

TB/BW, here!

🐵... 🐖


. . . . We are Fly Ing, the Ship!!!

HpS is resting, writing Cookie Fortunes, on Banana Leaves.

We thought about distributing a book today!!!

. . . To a really robust guy who walked by on the river-bank in front of our shack, cave, tree-house.

He waved back at our, 'Hello', but that's about as far as we got.

We also got 50-one ounce bags of Mr. P-nut prasada to pass out.

Well, when we got up, like 99% of our Hay Fever was done??!!!

We've only sneezed one time today.

Little eye/nose burning, dripping, but Hmmmm? Gone.

. . . [Throat little inflamed]

Rupa-anuga Whatsapped that we should go to Peru immediately and stay with him and he would cure us of all diseases, and that he did a subtle healing last night for us.

Hmmmm!!!!! Science and the Vedas??? He is a Shaman???


Jaga-mohan, Brajavasi, invited us to come to Vrndavana again.

😩 😬 😲

We told him we are in route through the deepest, darkest jungle of Peru (where Paddington grew), picking up animals to join our crew, and Spain, and Texas, (and Boise)... ?

Seven different people Whatsapped us that Umberto Mathurana left his body.

Rodrigo, the Sur-realist poet, helped us organize a program on Jung and the Bhagavata at the second best cultural museum house in Santiago and Umberto came with three more people, everyone stopped talking and looked at him and started whispering .

Afterwards we met the widow of an ambassador who knew Jung and wrote a really good book about his and other meetings, and he had been family friends of Ramon Mujica... and Prof. Mathurana asked us to visit his Institute the next day with five our six associates and plan to stay for a few hours.

We learned a lot from him.

If anyone thinks it is important and wants to feed us grapes, we can tell more.

. 🍇 🐦 

Then we talked with Rama-giridhari Das, after morning nap... for about 30-minutes.

He will investigate marketing our NIOS books through Motilal Varanasi Das. Send me a copy of the direct to University, scholars, promotional list that we have.

Says we need a student to stay in the Hill Crest-Ashrama.

Wants to go to Peru with us.

Will work with us on registering NIOS for the June 17-20th MOE Panamerican/World Education Symposium.

Work with Aja govinda Das (Prof. Ayus) on a NIOS/Texas A&M symposium on Science and the Vedas in which HpS (Prof. HHR) will join as indicated by the relevant YouTube lectures.


Then, joined WWW.e-sanga.org and heard 1/2 of Nara-hari Das SB class on Puranja flirting with Maya Devi. Touched our heart with his depth, sincerity, scholarship. We gave a few comments along with Jaya Jagadisha and Vidagdha Das. Challenged us to be better devotees


Then, FNP - Bath, laundry, Raja Bhoga (we are being 90% strict [and guess be much more Sattvic] to keep alive a few more years)

Then after another nap, joined NgD and VN for a walk/talk, but called ArtDas and talked to him the whole time about calendars, etc.

Then then a thundershower hit us and we had to run back to our base and cars and come home.... and ... cooked evening Bhoga (tea with milk and sugar) and write this DTC.


We are behind on our rounds, but keeping count and catching up

We also watched YouTube historical video, among men I am the monarch.

Now we will run to the 8PM Radha Nabara program. .... and Tweet! Thank you. Hope to hear from you.