3 years, 10 months ago by Victoria in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Gurudev, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a sus sinceros sirvientes como Usted!

Esperamos que su dolor de cabeza se haya ido.

ASA - Ha ido, pero ya allergia, pollen, primavera, la mas fuerte como recuerdo. Luchando minimizar. en fin acceptando utilizar medicina anti-alergica recomendado por Amit. Nuestra docotor.

Y ya la munyeca derecho en dolor. 🙂

Pienso es misma para Vds

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

Sorry for our slowness, we are editing the DCT videos. Sessions 1 and 2 of the Inter-fe dialogue are now available at Asa Audiovisual. The third is on the way.


HpS - ASA --- We have a lot of room for improvement, but we can only pray that sincere people will tolerate the lower quality to get the message. I think the originals are still at GoToMeeting. I will try to send you the links by Whatsapp again.


We added a little animated introductory title, please let me know what you think about it.

HpS - Best part of the show!

Regarding the quality of the video: we noticed that the files downloaded from Facebook Asa Carnaval have lower quality than those from GoTomeeting. It is not something we can improve now, but in future videos. I also think that the quality is acceptable. Can you send me the PPT? to the WhatsApp of Ambarisa or to asaudiovisual.....com. I've been searching jayarama.us but couldn't find them.

HpS, TB/BW - We just sent the PPTX to your gmail. There are two more wcl, wold classical literature, but I don't know if we used those?

We also sent the View link to Ambarisa Das's Whatsapp and the GTM Account Name and Passcode. Maybe you can log-on and access stuff directly. Didn't work last time.

Also, we downloaded the first IFD show and then tried to send it by We Transfer. Files sent to

asaudiovisual. . . com 1 item, 415 MB in total ・ Expires on 12 May, 2021

About the language on the YouTube cover: Most of the presentations are bilingual, the animated introduction in the videos is bilingual, but when designing the cover of each of the videos (which is seen as a thumbnail on the Asa channel) The text is very long if I include both languages. So I did them in Spanish. Does this sound good to you? or should they be in english?

HpS - I think English with with little note "Bilingue", no? It is more global language.

Thank you very much Gurudev for your infinite patience and care.

Thank you for engaging us in service.

intentando servirlo,

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

HpS - ASA - We are pigs, dogs, monkeys and asses trying to be of some service to Guru, Gauranga and Devotee!!!

Such a nice movement.


Disculpas por nuestra lentitud, estamos editando los videos de DCT. Ya estan disponibles en Asa Audiovisual las sesiones 1 y 2 del dialogo Interfe. La tercera esta en camino.



Agregamos un pequeño titulo introductorio animado, por favor déjeme saber que piensa acerca del eso.

En cuanto a la calidad del video: notamos que los archivos descargados de Facebook Asa Carnaval tienen menor calidad que los de GoTomeeting. No es algo que podamos mejorar ahora, pero si en los futuros videos. Igualmente pienso que la calidad es aceptable. Puede usted enviarme los PPT? al whatsapp de Ambarisa o a [email protected]. Estuve buscando en jayarama.us pero no pude encontrarlos.

Acerca del idioma en la portada de Youtube: La mayoria de las presentaciones son bilingues, la introduccion animada en los videos es bilingue, pero al diseñar la portada de cada uno de los videos (la que se ve como miniatura en el canal de Asa) El texto es muy largo si incluyo ambos idiomas. Entonces las hice en español. Esto le parece bien? o deberían ser en ingles?

Muchas gracias gurudev por su infinita paciencia y cuidado. Gracias por ocuparnos en servicio.

intentando servirlo

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd