PROYECTO: Historias del Universo

3 years, 10 months ago by jagat pavitram in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Acepte por favor mi reverencias

En este auspicioso día de “Rama Navami” estoy publicando de manera oficial el proyecto: “Historias del Universo” que es un resumen del Srimad Bhagavatam en 33 episodios, que narra la vida de los personajes más importantes del SB. Ya publiqué el “Episodio 1” y cada semana estaré publicando un episodio nuevo de 10 minutos en promedio.

*Están participando 3 actores de voz para la interpretación de los personajes

*Estoy suscrito a una página: para tomar las canciones necesarias y utilizarlas en cada episodio.

Este proyecto se está publicando por Facebook, youtube e Instagram. Aquí le muestro el 1er episodio por youtube (con subtítulos):


Por favor deme sus bendiciones para este proyecto

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Jagat Pavitram das



Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my obeisances

On this auspicious day of "Rama Navami" I am officially publishing the project: "Stories of the Universe" which is a summary of Srimad Bhagavatam in 33 episodes, which narrates the life of the most important characters of SB. I have already published “Episode 1” and every week I will be publishing a new episode of 10 minutes on average.

* 3 voice actors are participating for the interpretation of the characters

* I am subscribed to a page: to take the necessary songs and use them in each episode.

This project is being published on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Here I show you the 1st episode on youtube (with subtitles):

Please give me your blessings for this project.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Jagat Pavitram das


HpS - We have near mortal Hay Fever reaction, but resting and Pranayama has put it under moderate limits. Consulting with out Dr. Amit Singh. Parents devotees and he was Gurukula dude.

Good to hear from you.

We looked at Episode One from your link and had many, many thoughts. To try to discuss the most salient:

So many of the images are BBT images. Do you have copyrights to use them. I have seen then stop projects that seemed to be well done in the past.

Srila Prabhupada, to our understanding, was rather pragmatic about these preaching efforts: Are people buying books. At the end of the episodes do you have promotional links for purchasing BBT books?

The technical quality and narrations are quite good.

Seems you need to get an audience reaction to evaluate the project for further development.

One big Indian cinema director approached Prabhupada for his blessings to serialize the SB as a television show. SP kept saying over and over again, "Do first two Cantos", but he kept insisting all ten Cantos. In the end SP said, "Okay, do that." Look at SB 2.2.12 ( at the end of the purport especially.

That then brings the idea of mixing information on a subject from 1st and later cantos. Maybe we must hear about Brahma's later pastimes of creation along with the other education the SB is giving us to bring us to the more advanced cantos. Of course, devotees who are familiar, spiritual advanced, would seem to like to hear these extracted lines of different persons. Eg. Someone can extract all the education on Sri Dharma from 1st to 10th canto and advanced devotees will appreciate it.

These are some of our thoughts.

We can't really enter too much into giving you much more detailed guidance because our donkey is old and his feet are slipping. Get advice from others also.

What we see so far is very nice, but there are the considerations mentioned above.

Thank you!!