Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:
It was very pleasing to our soul to have your darshan, at least via internet, when you were in Richmond. Your smile gives always solace to our existence ¡¡¡
HpS - It was after one year of living in our little cave! 😀 Experiment in travel. So nice to have M/Arati with live bodies. So, nice to shar beautiful altar with our virtual Sanga. Thank you.
I continue teaching in two universities sometimes Saturdays and Sundays as well. Nevertheless, we refuse to be a full time professor due to that will affect our Sadhana. With this pandemic state we teachers have the challenge to learn new techniques for distance education. I'm thrilled to learn new things.
HpS - It seems that many communities have been tested by this Karuna virus. The shopping mall community has d i e d. What has happened to Saga Falla Bella in Peru? On the other had ISKCON seems to have done well. Seems many people are appreciating the ISKCON, H/K movement, can do well, prosper, in many circumstances.
Maybe New Ashokavan will be a good model for all of Peru?
I was wondering if I can travel to the USA in order to get the Co-vid 19 vaccination. Here in Peru-patalaloka it seems that we need to wait for a long time. M Subhra was investigating for me, my cousin as well. What do you think about that? I was also thinking to be near some friends due to I do not know how my body will react.
HpS - We don't know. We had to wait until health care, essential care, folks over 75 years got theirs. It is by state. Subra would know better. Here none of our community has had much more than a very mild reaction. Then, it is mutating! Have to learn to live in a little village (with naughty Gopal) and then these things are automatically controlled.
I have some news about my life, one friend of mine, Claudia Cáceres (she is psychologist), is going to move to my house for some time. Her parents decided to sell her house, without telling her. She has 2 kids. They are going to live for some time with their father. They are divorced. She is going to rent one room. She is a nice girl, very intelligent and warm - hearted.
ASA - Super! She has cat also? P'pada said that anyone who follows the four principles and doesn't cause a disturbance is welcome on our land... Maybe she can reconcile with her husband.
I always recall the words from my mother "Always help the elders" Maybe in the future I may turn my house into a place in which the elders can hang out.
HpS - Village!
The only practical service that I have is in Chosica. I give SB classes, actually a group of ladies give classes every Saturday. This Saturday is my turn. Please your blessings in order not to speculate and say something useful.
HpS - May the dead bless the dead! We always pray that we don't do the same! I guess that because they give SB classes that is why we can say that they are, stay, ladies. I can see that my Karma is at the door at any moment leading me to become stupid, lusty beast. Srila Prabhupada!!
Srila Prabhupada!!
... Srila Prabhupada!!
... ... Srila Prabhupada!!
That is all what I have to report.
ASA (TB/MP) --- Hey! Are there art pictures of your altar attached? Ulysses? Sister?? Cats?? (My God, we put your sister in the same line as the cats!!!) She's a great person, no? So, lucky to have a nice sister.
Thanks for your association see you at FMP
Trying to be your disciple CMDD