Follow Up on Reply to Go Das

3 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Respected Senor,


Can you elaborate on the line "Until we learn to lover everyone we will never be worthy of everyone's love. It is our independent free choice.

Of course, in the Madhyama adhikari stage this means learning to avoid the things that make us hate them. That is part of our independent process of love."

Esp the words - "independent process of love" as context of Madhyam Adhikari.

Which your grace (My Holiness [Sannyasi] 😁 😁😁) wrote in

Trying to [change??] self from Sugriva to Hanuman

HpS - ASA - We have free will. It is part of our fundamental nature. In Madhayama adhikari stage it is beginning to manifest. Like a child or even a dog can make personal choices if the circumstances are kept in the mode of goodness for them, no?

High MA, low MAdhikari...

Even if spouse, boss, is mean to us, we can make the choice to not become a victim, to try to understand the situation and help them.

Bali may never appreciate Sugriva in this lifetime, but doesn't mean that Sugriva has to become his enemies enemy.

Some help?