By the grace of Hanumatpresaka Swami, I've made the disciple list.

3 years, 10 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

I'd like to share good news with those who follow HH Hunumauntpresaka (Hanumat-presaka) Swami's blog, where I get my advice and instructions from.

I've taken his main instruction of never give up, and always chant the holy names of the lord.

After about three years I've been added to the list of becoming his deciple (disciple).

This brings me great peace of mind, and feel much more connected to the Vaisnavas and the Parampara.

HpS - It is a great honor for us to be able to help you in this or other capacity. Srila Prabhupada has taken some notice of you??? Why not??

This is the mercy of guru, one who has spilled gallon's of blood to bring me and others to a position where we can become more than we've ever imagined. to be free of the conditions that have bound one to our needs and wants, and to stop the downward spiral of life.

HpS - AgtSP who made his Generals out of Mud!

To a higher standard of life that knows no bounds. it's assuring to know there's someone helping you in the endeavor.

My purpose now is learning to be the servant of the servant of the servant. which I've seen the master teach by his example tirelessly giving of himself.

I wanted to share my good fortune and looking forward to being of some service to my fellow comrades.

Hare Krishna

You're servant Mike Jarvis

HpS - We came in contact with Bhakta Michael a few years ago. As we remember he was in Seattle and trying to get formal initiation then. We've had nice conversation. Then, a few weeks ago, Badri-naryana Swami formally recommend Mike as a candidate and we had a very nice phone conversation while we were in Richmond with Subal, Mataji and everyone.

He was in the merchant marine for several years. His ships went to Asia and now he is retired and can do full time service in the San Diego temple.

Senyor Miguel Jarvis... please send us some news of your service each month. Your realizations of Radha Giridhari et al!!!