Manuel's 1st report to NIOS about the progress of SOLARIS

3 years, 8 months ago by manuel in Special Category A


ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA !! and his loyal and dedicated disciples like you.

SS Hanumatpresaka Swami, first of all I want to introduce myself my name is Manuel, I am a monkey,

ASA - It is like at Alcoholic Anonymous meetings when someone stands up and he says, "My name is Manuel R and I am an alcoholic" and then gives a testimony.

(I attach my photo at the end of this report), I perceive myself cheerful, communicative and sometimes a little grumpy, I try to have a favorable attitude to Seva and, in my character prevails more a Ksatriya-vaisya attitude than a brahmana. Prabhu Abhirama told me about the importance of sending periodic reports of the SOLARIS MAGAZINE...

ASA - We know him, good man, but still some room for improvement.

...every 15 days. I have accepted this service for 6 months then we will evaluate whether it continues or not.

So let's start with the report of what is being done and progressing in SOLARIS magazine.


A section of CONCYTEC-Peru (National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation) It is the representative of LATINDEX in Peru. LATINDEX is the first important database to which we are applying to be indexed by them (we have good communication with Professor Bolaños who is in charge so that will help in the management) he suggests that this year we make a magazine in October or November and that we complete all that remains to be evaluated and that from 2022 if we publish 2 magazines a year (one in May or June and another in October or November), I particularly agree that we still have several requirements and formalities to meet and we are already April, SO THE SUGGESTION IS TO MAKE A NUMBER IN OCTOBER OR NOVEMBER what do you think?

ASA - Seems good. Seems like a possibly good pace for such and important project. 



We have read the LATINDEX regulations and according to their characteristics we have formed a technical team that according to their knowledge, experiences and skills can help to complete the formal requirements (for example, in the case of Bhakta Marcos, professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, he is a lawyer and he is dealing with the legal rules corresponding to the magazine, there are several, he includes ethical rules (for example, if we subscribe to Creative Commons 4.0 to share our articles for free, as long as it is for non-commercial purposes (they would only cite to SOLARIS in a technical way) And so we will share the content of the magazine with other researchers and intellectuals in the world.

Purnamasi and Nitya Kisori are writing all the formal information on the website (in Spanish and English). I participate in the part in Spanish and I provide you with all the documents that we have drawn up in previous years (invitations, model agreements, etc.) that material is serving as the basis.

The website is 90% ready, (Bhaktin Sandra Salazar, (a student of prabhu Gandharva has participated in a very creative way in this part).

What we are also working on is how to manage social networks and how to integrate NIOS and SOLARIS in a harmonious way. any suggestion is welcome. please, write us to this email: [email protected].

ASA - Very nice. It should be clear that Solaris is a journal of NIOS, no?



Here each Hispanic country has its representative, our current challenge is to develop a communication strategy for the magazine. Another challenge is to make AN ATTRACTIVE AND CONVINCING BILINGUAL DIGITAL DIGITAL BIPTIC to encourage magazine writing. After the first indexing, we will no longer invite them to write on the contrary, we will have many authors who want to publish articles because in universities they pay professors to publish in indexed journals, so they improve their level, professors and universities improve their classification. Prabhu Abhirama has set himself the challenge of developing the concept: “SOLARIS Contributions for a new culture”. Everyone is invited to participate, please those who wish to do so can write to us at the e-mail: [email protected]



Here is the participation of Mother Sarad Gaurangi Devi Dasi from Manipur University who is going to write an article on health, the pandemic and spirituality and Professor Harsh Pradan from the University of Banaras. Mother Purnamasi is the co-coordinator with ARTd. There we have the valuable contribution of Albert Ferrer (he is from Barcelona) but he has an important educational Asrama and a project that is on the way to becoming a University in India, He greatly appreciates SS HpS and will write in this October issue of SOLARIS.



The members are: Srinivas-acarya, Srinath Krishna, Radhika Raman (according to their possibilities) and we hope that there will be an Aja-Govinda, current NIOS secretary of communications.

The co-coordination is with mother Nitya kisori and ARTd. As I understand it, the ideal is that of the 12 or 13 articles in each issue of SOLARIS, at least 5 or 6 are articles that are written in English (that is, written by English-speaking teachers, not translating from Spanish to English, we have already tested that does not work well). In Latin America we already have a certain important presence in some intellectual circles, but in the US, Europe and India we are still lacking, so if 50% of the content is in English that will help to have a greater presence in the US, Europe and India.

ASA - Please bump HpSwami to give names of English speaking scholars and devotees. There is bvery nice devotee in Ojai, California and Chaitany-carana Das from India et al.

I will end this report with a quote to Albert Einstein: "The study and, in general, the search for truth and beauty make up an area where we can remain children all our lives."

That's all for now the Holiness of him, thank you very much for inspiring us to find our place and be helpful and favorable in Sri Rama's army. JAY SITA-RAMA-LAKSMANA-HANUMAN !!!!


NOTE: Sorry for the grammar mistakes, I used, the Google translator to make this report.

ASA - We edited it a little bit. Super. We can share this with NIOS members etc.

Now we wait for number two. You don't have to write as much because these can form a series.