Visiting Houston

3 years, 9 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

AGTSP!! (paoho)

Because it is half the price if you buy in advance, we just bought (April 12th) tickets from Nashville to Houston, and back:

Arrive Houston 6.10PM, 18 May.

Leave Houston 7.10AM, 25 May.

Houston = Nila-madhava Dhama (NMD)

Visit Hari-lila, Nandu, CCD/Subra, Sarva/GBh.... so, so, so, many more!


18(Tu) = Nashville to NMD.

20 (Th) = Appearance of Sita Devi!

22(Sa) = Ekadasi.

23(Su) = Rukmini Dvadasi. Go to stay at Hari-lila Das' Ashrama in Sugarland.

24(Mo) = Jayananda Das Disp.

25(Tu) = Nrsmha-caturdasi.

26(We) = Purnima and back to Nashville.