Lokannatha Das

3 years, 8 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

AGTSP and all the assembled devotees,

Our very old, and very esteemed friend and leader of the Purnima Puppet Theater (PPT [Like Power PoinT!]), Sriman Lokannatha Das texted us on the telephone. We were together many years is in Berkeley and he just moved.

His body is running Alzheimers or Parkison's disease, so he is learning a lot about transcendence.

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am in Indiana now. Maharani's sister lives here. I wanted to bring my puppets and I shipped them here, but the van company hasn't sent  them and gives me a runaround.

Our residential situation in Berkeley was fragmenting.

The temple is closed partly and Harinama is stopped.

There are factional confrontations between the virus believers and non believers.

I hope you are doing okay.

Hare Krishna, Lokanatha dasa

HpS - What is your paper mail address? Can we send you stuff. You are getting closer to Nashville. Nitai-gaura-sundar Das is very enthusiastic about starting a Senior Devotees Hospice here. Maybe se could pioneer it.

We already have a trailer home time place with space in it.

I may be traveling once a month and then maybe South America Sept- January.

Hmm. Send us news of your work and ambitions?

Ideal Ashrama situation.

We'll call!