3 years, 10 months ago by bhaktapiero in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hace unas semanas en el templo se está distribuyendo prasadam gratuitamente a los vecinos por parte de un grupo de devotos de food for life (alimentos libres). Esto es de lunes a viernes y nosotros como templo lo hacemos los sábados.

Hablé con el coordinador y le comenté de su deseo (Gurudeva) de crear una revista para los vecinos, ya que creo que es una buena oportunidad para empezar a distribuirla mientras se entrega el prasadam. Él me dijo que es muy buena idea.

Y bueno, necesito su guía para esto. No entiendo muy bien cómo usted piensa que debería ser. ¿Puede guiarme?

¿Vamos a hablar de nuestra filosofía?¿O va a ser mas amplio?¿Vamos a hablar de los vecinos o solo de nosotros?, Tengo varias preguntas.

Muchas gracias Gurudeva

Su pequeño sirviente

Piyari Mohan das



Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Since a few weeks ago, in the temple, Prasadam was being distributed free to the neighbors by a group of devotees of Food for Life (free foods). This is from Monday to Friday and we as a temple do it on Saturdays.

I spoke with the coordinator and told him about your (Gurudeva's) desire to create a magazine for the neighbors, as I think it is a good opportunity to start distributing it while the Prasadam is being delivered. He told me it's a very good idea.

And well, I need your guidance for this. I don't quite understand how you think it should be. Can you guide me?

Are we going to talk about our philosophy? Or is it going to be broader? Are we going to talk about the neighbors or just about us? I have several questions.

Thank you very much Gurudeva

Your little servant

Piyari mohan das

HpS - ASA -- We don't have a lot of resources to describe the project in detail, but what we can suggest is to start with a meditation on who are the neighbors?

Maybe you will get three kinds, then start by saying this is a little bulletin which we think may be of use to our type A, type B and type c friends and neighbors.

Then introduce your selves in terms of each Type.

eg. We are the little chapel, monastery, private residence from which you may hear morning prayers being sung daily at 4.30AM or 7.30AM, or see monks and nuns dressed in religious outfits.

Then a little more history, and how you see the neighbors and ask them if they would like to write for the Journal.

Of course, mention that the articles must come in conformity with https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/1/17/35/

Announce events to which they are invited.

Ask how you can serve the neighborhood.

Maybe it will be every three months.

Editorials on current issues.

Offer to teach plumbing, accounting, cooking and whatever you or they might like at their level.