Pedir su consejo y autorización

3 years, 9 months ago by jayadevagoswamidas in Hot Topics

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada Todas las glorias al mobimienro de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Muchos saludos, espero que éste con bien,

Soy consciente de mis dibilidades, sin quebrantar los principios regulaticos. En el templo practico poco servició pero voy cada semana: lunes y martes - lo aplico como pujari, y me gano la vida elaborando pan el resto de la semana creo qué gurudeva lo sabe, claro, no sin antes cantar mis rondas temprano. Escribí una carta, antes de esta a este blog, pero no se si ya la leyó.

Y hoy le escribo para pedir su consejo y aprobacion, para salir de México, en plan de trabajo" en plan se trabajo devocional " en el templo de Nueva Vrndavana, tengo una invitacion de la autoridad de ése lugar para trabajar en la cocina.

Y me piden entre otros requisitos una carta firmada de mi maestro espiritual, corroborando o confirmando las fechas de mi iniciaciones, esta carta la estamos haciendo en mexico, casi esta lista para que se la envíe de "algún modo"

Posd: perdon por el atrevimiento y por las incorrecciones que encuentren en estás cartas. Su inutil airviente Jayadeva goswami das.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Sankirtan movement.

Many greetings, I hope this is well,

I am aware of my weaknesses, without breaking the regulatory principles. In the temple I practice little service but I go every week: Monday and Tuesday - I apply it as pujari, and I make a living making bread the rest of the week.

I think that gurudeva knows it, of course, not before singing my rounds early.

I wrote a letter before this one to this blog, but I don't know if you've already read it.

HpS - ASA - Yes, we read it but as we remember we could not give much detailed advice because we don't know the details of your situation.

Also, please forgive us that we are a little slow in answering.

And today I am writing to ask for your advice and approval, to leave Mexico, in a work plan "in plan of devotional work" in the temple of New Vrndavana, I have an invitation from the authority of that place to work in the kitchen.

And they ask me, among other requirements, for a signed letter from my spiritual master, corroborating or confirming the dates of my initiations, we are doing this letter in Mexico, it is almost ready to be sent to them "somehow"

Posd: sorry for the audacity and for the inaccuracies that you find in these letters. His useless airvient Jayadeva goswami das.

HpS - Be sure that you know the people who will be sponsoring you well. Otherwise it is a big investment of your resources and it may not be an improvement. On the other had it can be a good experience! Like Narada Muni in the first canto you will be able to see all the different creations of God.

<pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">This is what is in our records at www.JayaRama.US/kd/guru-tattva.txt : "Jayadeva Goswami Das (Yone Aguilar Castaneda),______ (8 Jun '00), 2nd 15 sep 2002" </pre>

Can we be of anymore help??