Gita-govinda/Bhadra-rupa Das

3 years, 10 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Bhadra-rupa Das writes us:

Dear Hanuman Presaka Swami Maharaj,

Dear Radhika Raman Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, this album which was inspired by the Gita Govinda has also created a big impact for the Ministry of Culture from the Government of India represented by India's National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama in New Delhi, which is the highest authority of Arts in India.

I attached an article written by the India's National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama of New Delhi about their impression and the description of how it was conducted in the research of this album guided by this prestigious national academy. In this article, this national academy mentioned twice the name of my Guru Maharaj as my spiritual master who gave me this instruction and HH Hrdayananda Maharaja, as the artistic director of this album. By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, according to this attached article, this album has written history in Indian music.

In this attached article, this National Academy stated this album as:

"This is the first time that a full music album based on the Gita Govinda has been produced and released by an international music company such as Sony Music. This album aims to create a niche for Indian music in the international music field and industry".

"This album is proving a global sensation, a product of Dr Luis De La Calle's comprehensive effort, leaving no stone unturned in taking a historical/mythological work into a musical album on the global stage. This kind of intelligence inspires others to come out of their shells and do exceptional work". 

The National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama of New Delhi will send this attached article to the Indian media (newspapers, magazines, radios and TV) across the country for its publication.

By the mercy of Srila Prabhu, for nex music albums which will be inspired in the vaishnava padavali, we will have full support from the Indian Government.

I humbly beg for your blessings to continue successfully with this personal instruction from my GM to finish it in this lifetime.

Thank you very much for your saintly association.

Your servant,

Bhara Rupa das

HpS/ASA - The article is at:

We hope Prof. BrD can participate in our movie, Diary of a Traveling Creature, and Solaris.