Karuna mayi dd- Reporte

3 years, 8 months ago by karuna in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Ruego al Señor Krsna para que siempre lo mantenga muy entusiasta en Su sankirtan.

Soy Karuna mayi devi dasi, de Perú. Le cuento algo sobre mí, aunque no hay cambios, siempre levantándome temprano, sadhana, escuchando el Srimad Bhagavatam, 16 rondas diariamente y mis 4 principios.

Usted desde hace muchos años atrás hablo sobre el tema de sanyasi para Anandamaya Das y a mi me afectaba mucho. Estuve pensando y hace dos meses he aceptado esa idea de ser como usted lo dijo una vez en una clase “una viuda civil” y quedarme al cuidado de Sergio y Sita por el momento.

Para una persona como yo, aceptar y entrar en esta etapa de mi vida es muy difícil, aunque me siento por una parte tranquila porque no estoy yendo en contra del varna y también usted hace unas semanas dijo en una clase de vanaprastha que la esposa se quedaba bajo la protección de Krishna. Disculpe por no ser una mejor discípula.

Esperando ser útil en su sankirtan.

Karuna mayi dd.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, please accept my humble obeisances.

I pray to Lord Krsna to always keep him very enthusiastic in his sankirtan.

HpS/ASA - Thank you! We need the help!

I am Karuna mayi devi dasi, from Peru.

HpS/ASA - I know who you are (a little!). You are a teacher. You were very good in competitive running, you have a pretty good husband and kids, you are good cook!... For Krsna. Your destination is Sri Krsna Sankirtan.

I tell you something about myself, although there is no change, always getting up early, sadhana, listening to Srimad Bhagavatam, 16 rounds daily and my 4 principles.

You have been speaking about the subject of sannyasi for Anandamaya Das for many years and it affected me a lot. I was thinking and two months ago I accepted that idea of ​​being as you once said in a class "a civil widow" and staying in the care of Sergio and Sita for the moment.

For a person like me, accepting and entering this stage of my life is very difficult, although I feel for a calm part because I am not going against varna and you also said a few weeks ago in a vanaprastha class that the wife is He was under the protection of Krishna. Sorry for not being a better disciple.

HpS - Krsna never suggests anything that is impractical. If we are not ready for Sannyasa then He will not preach it, but it is good. It is like practicing for death. Sriman Anandamaya Das may die tomorrow, no? Maybe a big civil war in Peru... What will you do? Who will protect you.


He will incarnate in somebody... https://vedabase.io/es/library/kb/58/#bb91875

I was afraid of Sannyasa etc. but I though let me try to surrender, then little by little things were revealed and I got so much benefit. Sannyasa is not to separate husband and wife. It is to connect them much closer. So close that even death cannot separate them.

Hoping to be helpful in your sankirtan.

Karuna mayi dd.