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3 years, 9 months ago by GAURA KARUNA SAKTI D.D. in Personal Sadhana Reports




Este instante es importante para mi, porque aun deseo ser parte del Sankirtana de SP bajo su refugio o morir en el intento.

Mis rondas vienen mejorando, poco a poco, mi mente puede dar muchas excusas pero tomaré la responsabilidad de mi negligencia, como conversamos en la ultima entrevista personal que tuve con usted, estuve de pareja con P. Ananta K. d. Ahora esa relación terminó hace casi 1 año. (El mundo artístico que frecuentábamos era muy muy bohemio y desbordado como para seguir un estilo de vida Hare Krsna.

Estuvimos asociándonos más con M. Jambavati (lei que se accidento, quizá por eso dejó de escribir) la osa mayor, nos a invitó a realizar distribución de libros SP, juntas, también con P. Lanka V. D. M. Yúgala k dd, con quien compartimos muchas perspectivas y quien me apoya llevándole maha a mis hijos, etc. haciendo amistad de la forma más genuina que tengo para ser.

Mis hijos Nitay y Balaram este 2021 comenzaron a vivir con su papá, para llevar el ultimo año escolar y seguir estudios superiores. Ellos están formando su autonomía de pensamiento y decisiones. Los extraño, pero al parecer están bien, su papa puede darles más aparatos tecnológicos y cobertura para sus estudios, ellos necesitan ahora creo un varón como apoyo, y su papá quiere estar cerca a ellos también. veremos como va este aspecto.

Estoy laborando en ONPE (oficina nacional de procesos electorales) como años pasados, pero estamos al sur de Lima, una provincia que se llama Cañete- Asia, siempre hay oportunidad aquí de hablar de Krsna, a veces pongo sus clases con buen volumen y escuchan , preguntan, quieren saber del yoga, vegetarianismo, y explicamos de acuerdo como los veo. Nuestro contrato acaba quincena de Abril, no queremos renovar, porque queremos ver la posibilidad de estar cerca de ud. los meses que pase en Perú, somos "multiaprendices" podemos aprender cualquier servicio.

Agradecemos a Srila Prabhupada por su legado, por darnos a Maestros que inspiran a la REALIDAD como usted lo hace, gracias por SU VIDA dedicada a ofrecer cada minuto al servicio devocional transcendental como usted lo hace, gracias por enseñarnos a mirarnos dentro de nosotros mismos.

Gracias por ayudarme a recordar que quiero vivir para Krsna aun desde nuestra pequeñez.

Gracias por aparecer seguido en mis sueños, tengo la seguridad de que toda su misericordia va más allá de este plano físico, aun con almas confundidas como yo.

aspirante a sirviente.

PD: edité esta carta de la carta de informe que envié para su VP, nosé si llego, por eso envío esta carta. Se que no hay grandes noticias, perdone que no escriba seguido. estar lejos de los devotos en Gaura purnima (la pase laborando) me lanzó hacia aquí.

Gracias a nuestro hermano Patraka por su amistad admirable.





This moment is important to me, because I still wish to be part of SP's Sankirtana under his shelter or die trying.

My rounds are improving, little by little, my mind can give many excuses but I will take responsibility for my negligence, as we discussed in the last personal interview I had with you, I was in a relationship with P. Ananta K. D. Now that relationship ended almost 1 year ago. (The artistic world we frequented was too Bohemian and overflowing to follow a Hare Krsna lifestyle).

We were associating more with M. Jambavati (I read that she had an accident, maybe that's why she stopped writing) the big bear, invited us to distribute SP books, together, also with P. Lanka, VDM. Yúgala k dd, with whom we shared many perspectives and who supports me by bringing Maha to my children, etc. making friends in the most genuine way that I have to be.

My sons, Nitay and Balaram, this 2021 began to live with their father, to take the last year of school and pursue higher education. They are forming their autonomy of thought and decisions. I miss them, but apparently they are fine, their father can give them more technological devices and coverage for their studies, they now need a male for support, and their father wants to be close to them too. We will see how this aspect goes.

HpS - It sounds good. In Kali-yuga we expect maximum(!!!) 80% properly social arrangements, no? That's the BEST we can expect. The rest is accomplished by being Sankirtan partners in Srila Prabhupada's army, Lord Jesus Christ's army...

I am working in ONPE (national office of electoral processes) like past years, but we are south of Lima, a province called Cañete-Asia, there is always an opportunity here to talk about Krsna, sometimes I put their classes with good volume and they listen They ask, they want to know about yoga, vegetarianism, and we explain accordingly how I see them. Our contract ends the fortnight of April, we do not want to renew, because we want to see the possibility of being close to you. the months that I spend in Peru, we are "multi-learners" we can learn any service.

HpS - If we come to Peru it will probably be in September...

We thank Srila Prabhupada for his legacy, for giving us Teachers who inspire REALITY as you do, thank you for YOUR LIFE dedicated to offering every minute of transcendental devotional service as you do, thank you for teaching us to look within ourselves.

Thank you for helping me remember that I want to live for Krsna even from our littleness.

HpS - He's a real rascal! Maybe your should worship a more practical persona like Jehovah or Allah or Sriman Narayana. 😁

Thank you for appearing often in my dreams, I am sure that all your mercy goes beyond this physical plane, even with confused souls like me.

HpS - Krsna uses us, you, me, devotees through the Paramatma.

would-be servant.

PS: I edited this letter from the report letter that I sent to your VP, I don't know if it came, that's why I'm sending this letter. I know there is no great news, excuse me for not writing often. being away from the devotees in Gaura purnima (I passed her laboring) threw me here.

Thanks to our brother Patraka for his admirable friendship.

HpS - Thank you so, so much for writing! Thank you so, so much for being a good person. Very, very good person. Your honesty and sincerity (and sense of humor??) radiate out through the world you inhabit.

Yes, there were too many letters at Y-puja, January 1st. Asked if people could send and annual service report on THEIR birthday.

Thank you. Respects to your sons and husband.