Lecciones de vida y nuevas noticias

3 years, 11 months ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna Querido Gurudeva, Pamho, espero que ésta carta lo encuentra muy bien de salud. Nuestro reporte es el siguiente; Sadhana algunos días 3:30 am, aveces 4:30am, cantando 16 rondas, 4 principios, ekadasis, 3 gayatris, turnándonos con p. gadai gauranga del baño de salagram silas y govardhana, cocinamos todos los días temprano para hacer las ofrendas del desayuno y almuerzo, el jardín está hermoso, tenemos mucha variedad de flores así que las deidades tienen flores frescas todos los días, también estámos cosechando papas, alverjas, habas, hierbas, zanahorias, lechugas, rabanito, beterraga. Tenemos buena amistad con los vecinos, nos venden leche, regalan choclo.

Nos gusta sembrar y estar en contacto con las plantas, ésta vez están saliendo la segunda parte de girasoles para Goura Gurnima.

Mi Rutina diaria es salir muy temprano al trabajo, estoy como monitor de ventas en una empresa de telecomunicaciones, mi trabajo es más mental, llevo el almuerzo todos los días a veces almuerzo en la oficina y salgo temprano o me voy a almorzar a casa de M. laksmi.

Estámos retomando los estudios del canto 3 del Srimad Bagavatam con P. Laksmana Agraja das, los días jueves en la noche, el grupo es bueno, está p. Ramananda de arequipa, p. gandharva, Apsara gopi, P Govardhana y nosotros.

Quiero contarle también que me enfermé hace un mes de covid, tuve experiencias buenas y malas, la mala fué; perdón por revelarle esto; deseé no seguir viviendo porque mi conciencia aveces no es buena, le oré a Krsna que acabe con éste cuerpo para empezar de nuevo en otra vida y enfermé a los pocos días, ésta enfermedad me llevó a la profunda depresión de no seguir viviendo, no tuve miedo de dejar el cuerpo, sentía como si me estuviera purificando, pero mi esposo oraba por mí, las noches eran difíciles porque perdía el oxígeno totalmente, amanecía sentada algunas veces con la bolsa de yapa en mi mano, mi esposo me atendió con productos naturales y mejoré, así que estoy aquí todavía reportándome 😊

. También en esos días difíciles conversaba por watsap con una amiga de krsna que estaba en UCI, ella me decía que no quería vivir, tenia covid, riñón e hígado muy deteriorado, yo le decía que luche por su vida por su hijo, pero era en vano estaba decidida a dejar su cuerpo, así que no tuve de otra que conversar para que se prepare para la siguiente vida, ése día en la madrugada le hicieron diálisis y a las pocas horas dejó su cuerpo, al inicio me puse feliz por que dejó ése cuerpo deteriorado, pero después de unos días me puse muy triste, y lloraba cuando la recordaba, ella era muy entusiasta en los festivales de harinam, muy atenta con los sankirtaneros, le gustaba bailar y comer prasadam.

La buena experiencia de ésta enfermedad fué que una semana soñé con el puyari de Radha Madhana Vihari, fué tan real porque despertaba llorando y recordando la sensación y el sabor del servicio junto a los devotos de chosica y continuaba el sueño donde me quedaba, ¡todas las glorias a los devotos de chosica que hacen servicio incondicional todos los días!. En verdad sólo quería irme a chosica a hacer servicio y la otra semana soñé con los himalayas, soñé que caminaba e igual me quedaba en un sueño y al día siguiente empezaba donde me quedaba, hasta que al final encontré al Sr. hanuman y me daba permiso para entrar a los himalayas, ahora tengo ese deseo intenso de ir a india y llegar a los himalayas y visitar algún templo de Hanumán. Hace poco leí en el Bagavatam en el significado de Srila Prabhupada cuando krsna le instruye a uddhava visitar los lugares sagrados; Badarikasrama (en los himalayas donde se encuentra las deidades Nara - Narayana), Ramesvar, Jaganath Puri y Dwarka y en verdad no deseo dejar el cuerpo sin llegar al santo dham.

Le cuento que hay buenas probabilidades de comprar pasajes a India con p. Gadai, espero éste año si todo sale bien o para el próximo año, así que le quiero pedir porfavor; ¿Qué tengo que hacer para purificarme y llegar a India?

La fiesta de Goura purnima lo haremos en el templo de M. Laksmirani, llevaremos a nuestra deidades de Goura Nitay, cae un día domingo así que haremos nuestras mejores ofrendas para Gouranga y Nityananda , llevaremos bhoga de la chacra, girasoles del jardín y verduras, le estaré enviando fotos del festival y de los devotos.

Eso es todo querido Gurudeva Gracias por su asociación día a día.

Esperanzada en llegar al santo dham

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.


All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna, dear Gurudeva, Pamho.

I hope this letter finds you in very good health.

Our report is the following;

Sadhana some days 3:30 am, sometimes 4:30 am, chanting 16 rounds, 4 principles, Ekadasis, 3 Gayatris, taking turns with P. Gadai gauranga Das for the bathing of Salagram Silas and Govardhana.

HpS - ASA --- Do they have Names? Are they happy? What are They doing??

We cook early every day to make the breakfast and lunch offerings, the garden is beautiful, we have a lot of variety of flowers so the deities have fresh flowers every day.

ASA - !!! Same here. Flowers on all the trees, bushes. Just like jewels, better! [Allergy]

We are also harvesting

  • potatoes,
  • peas,
  • beans,
  • herbs,
  • carrots,
  • lettuce,
  • radish,
  • beet.

We have good friendships with the neighbors, they sell us milk, they give us corn.

HpS - Do fire sacrifices for them!! Is ther a local Catholic church? Priest is nice? Other churches? How far is nearest town? Is there a university, secondary school, there?

We like to sow and be in contact with the plants, this time the second part of sunflowers is coming out for Goura Gurnima.

HpS - Gauranga! Hope there are fotos attache! We can't see them until we "Publish" the letter.

My daily routine is to leave very early to work, I am a sales monitor in a telecommunications company, my job is more mental, I take lunch every day, sometimes I have lunch at the office and I leave early or I go to have lunch at home. M. laksmi.

We are resuming the studies of Canto 3 of Srimad Bagavatam with P. Laksmana Agraja das, on Thursday nights, the group is good, it is p. Ramananda from Arequipa, P. Gandharva, Apsara gopi, P Govardhana and us.

HpS - Super! I hope there is a report from him in the Blog.

I also want to tell you that I got sick with Covid (Karuna virus) a month ago, I had good and bad experiences, the bad was; sorry for revealing this to you; I wished not to continue living because my consciousness is sometimes not good, I prayed to Krsna to end this body to start again in another life and I became ill a few days later, this disease led me to a deep depression of not continuing to live, I did not have afraid of leaving the body, I felt as if I was purifying myself, but my husband prayed for me, the nights were difficult because I lost my oxygen completely, I woke up sitting sometimes with the bag of Japa in my hand, my husband treated me with natural products and I got better, so I'm still here reporting 😊

HpS - At 9PM last night our phone starte buzzing, buzzing, buzzing! I looked and there was an emergency tornado alert! "If you are in a mobile home (we are) immediately move to a more substantial structure. There is a tornador South of Murfreesboro and moving North East"

We took some water, cell phone. Covered with hat, blankets and got in the bathtub!

The rain hit like a canon, house shook, sirens howled, we chanted.

Pretty ready.

Stay, go.

It is a spiritual decision. Do we have work here or in the next body??

Also in those difficult days I used to talk through Whatsapp with a friend of Krishna who was in ICU, she told me that she did not want to live, she had Covid, kidney and liver very deteriorated. I told her to fight for her life for her son, but it was in in vain she was determined to leave her body. So I had no other way to talk to get her to prepare for the next life, that day at dawn they did dialysis and after a few hours she left her body.

At first I was happy because she left that one body deteriorated, but after a few days I became very sad, and cried when I remembered her, she was very enthusiastic in the Harinam festivals, very attentive to the Sankirtaneros, she liked to dance and eat Prasadam.

HpS - Same has happened to me when B. S. Damodara Swami left. At first we were feeling that he was still with us! We just had to carry on his work, but then after a few days, at one festival where Lokannatha and Gopal-krsna Maharajas et al were telling there remembrance of their association with B. S. Damodara Swami we were just overwhelmed with remembering our personal association with him. It was very meaningful, and when they wanted us to talk, we could not. Prabhupada said it is like seeing your lady friend going to work in some foreign country. You and others see here at the airport and say good bye. You are sad, but you know she has not existed. You can, must, keep in touch with here. Continue her service in this world and then you will meet her again in the Sankirtan movement.

The good experience of this disease was that one week I dreamed of Radha Madhana Vihari's puja, it was so real because I woke up crying and remembering the sensation and taste of the service with the devotees of Chosica and I continued the dream where I left off.

All glories to Chosica devotees who do unconditional service every day! I really just wanted to go to Chosica to do service, and the other week I dreamed of the Himalayas. I dreamed that I was walking and I still stayed in a dream and the next day I started where I left off, until at the end I found Lord Hanuman and he gave me permission to enter the Himalayas.

Now I have that intense desire to go to [back to] India [like I was in my last life as a Yogi] and reach the Himalayas and visit a temple in Hanumán.

ASA - So many people in this movement were Oriental monks in last lifetime.

I recently read in the Bagavatam, Srila Prabhupada's purport when Krishna instructs Uddhava to visit the holy places; Badarikasrama (in the Himalayas where the deities Nara - Narayana are found), Ramesvar, Jaganath Puri and Dwarka and I really do not wish to leave the body without reaching the Holy Dhama.

HpS /ASA - Let us all charter our own airplane for 500-people and go in a group in 2022? We can have our own tents, and camels and security guards, and do dramas along the way. People can make copies of Srila Prabhupada's book.

I tell you that there is a good chance of buying tickets to India with P. Gadai, I hope this year if everything goes well or for next year, so I want to ask you please; What do I have to do to purify myself and get to India?

HpS - Krsna will arrange it. It seems He may have already started, no? Accept that mercy.

The festival of Goura purnima we will do in the temple of M. Laksmirani.

We will take our deities of Goura Nitay, [!] it falls on a Sunday so we will make our best offerings for Gouranga and Nityananda. We will bring Bhoga from the farm, sunflowers from the garden and vegetables I will be sending you photos of the festival and the devotees.

HpS - Maybe we get to Peru in a few months. Maybe rent some land next to Rupa-anuga's Ashrama, Valle sagrado, and stay for six months. We don't need a special visa for that. Just stay one place. People could come, do some quarantine in the garden houses, and then come in to the village, New Ashokavan. We could work on developing our cultural community: Movies, puppets, all kinds of Sankirtan presentation and training. Then we could all stay there or move everything to a better place.

A pandemic free village.

Plans are nice to give direction, but then we see how Krsna develops things.

That is all dear Gurudeva. Thank you for your association day by day.

Hoping to reach the Holy Dhama.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.

HpS - ASA ---- Thank you for your association! It is 9.02PM. hare kRSNa, hare rAma!!!

Now we offer Lord hot-milk and KRSNA, book!

See you soon! Respects to everyone.