Urgente: No hay impedimento para un Devoto de sankirtan

3 years, 10 months ago by YugalaKD in Other

Hk Pamho

Querido Gurudeva, me ilusiona mucho que venga y también me entristece que no sea como antes. Ese proyecto es lo que hace falta en Perú, nunca se llevó a concretar.

Es verdad que muchas personas están encerradas en sus casas, también es verdad que muchas personas continúan su vida desplazándose de su casa a su trabajo y visitando a sus familiares y amigos, no seguido, y andan siempre cuidándose.

Hace poco fallecieron amigos cercanos a quienes yo de vez en cuando visitaba, es como si la muerte estuviera cerca, pero aún no es el momento. Hay quienes pasaran por eso, seguro ya hay una lista.

Mis amigos de Mayapur y Vrndavan me cuentan que allá les llegó el corona dejaron de estar encerrados se volvieron a reunir (se cansaron de la situación) y ahora hay más visitantes, en vrndavan bajo mucho el contagio, igual creo que si alguien muere en el dham es auspicioso. ¿Por qué tanto pánico?, igual si uno muere será rápido, a veces uno sufre por mucho tiempo, los pecaminosos deberían estar muertos de miedo, ¿Por qué los devotos?, si ellos siguen las prácticas espirituales les espera algo mejor. Es una locura vivir con miedo.

Posiblemente los lugares que visitará en Perú serán favorables, con poca gente y hermoso clima. Si viene a Perú muchos de nosotros desearemos verlo. Hace poco en un sraddha nos reunimos con mascarilla, no cerca el uno del otro. Si llegado el momento deseamos tomar un dharsam presencial, podría ser en un parque y traer un buen parlante. Aquí en Chosica se reunieron evangelistas por la recta del asram sacaron sus sillas, la pasaron super. Así lo veo posible.

Ya sea en Chosica, Lima, Callao, me visto de astronauta, o como todos los que verá en la calle, cubreboca y protector, igual que yo muchos, que hacemos nuestra vida normal, a pasar de las circunstancias lo seguiremos. Esa es nuestra elección de tomar su asociación directa cuantas veces se pueda, mientras hay vida hay esperanza.

Siempre deseando verlo

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi 


HK - Pamho

Dear Gurudeva, I am very excited that you are coming and I am also saddened that you are not as before. That project is what is needed in Peru, it was never carried out.

It is true that many people are locked up in their homes. It is also true that many people continue their lives moving from home to work and visiting their family and friends, not often, and they are always taking care of themselves.

Not long ago close friends who I visited from time to time passed away, it is as if death were near, but it is not yet the time. There are those who will go through that, surely there is already a list.

My friends from Mayapur and Vrndavan tell me that the Virus came to them, they stopped being locked up, they got together again (they got tired of the situation) and now there are more visitors, in Vrndavan I suffer a lot of contagion, I think that if someone dies in Dham is auspicious. Why so much panic? Even if one dies it will be quick, sometimes one suffers for a long time, the sinful people should be scared to death, why the devotees? If they follow spiritual practices, something better awaits them. It's crazy to live in fear.

HpS - Yes, it is certain. Yet, quick or slow, death is the sum total of all bad experiences, so we have to be ready for that while we are still breathing or after our external symptoms finish.

Possibly the places you will visit in Peru will be favorable, with few people and beautiful weather. If you come to Peru, many of us will want to see you. Recently in a Sraddha we met with mask, not close to each other. If the time comes we want to take a face-to-face Dharsam, it could be in a park and bring a good speaker. Here in Chosica Evangelists met on the Asram line, they took out their chairs, they had a great time. So I see it possible.

HpS - We are listening to advice from many people. We had our second vaccination today. Maybe it will give our body some protection. Our idea is to go just one place and work to establish an ISKCON, New Asokavan. Anybody wants to visit our village may have to stay outside the village gate in a nice garden house for sometime, quarantine. We want to finish 95% of the Industrial Revolution. Maybe many people will get good idea from anything we can do. This is a prision, hospital, but 15% of the invalids will seek to change at least!

Either in Chosica, Lima, Callao, I dress as an astronaut, or like everyone else you will see on the street, face mask and protector, like many of me, who do our normal life, regardless of the circumstances we will follow him. That is our choice to take your direct association as many times as possible, while there is life there is hope.

Always looking forward to seeing it

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - Thank you for our continuous efforts for self purification. You seem to have advanced considerably. Find your part in the drama.