URGENTE! Covid 19 and Camping in Perú!

3 years, 10 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, dear gurudeva. Pamho, AGTSP!

I was about to tell you some time ago what is my idea about associating with you personally and in general as your disciples.

I believe that today more than ever we have to meditate on the association of vani and vapuh. I believe that you have given us a lot of mercy in vapuh association by coming to Peru so many times and I believe that it is time that we mature and strengthen our vapuh association more.

You have taught us many things and I think it is time for us to stand up for ourselves and apply everything we learned from you to our personal life and sankirtan.

I am of the opinion that we should not fall into a dependent mentality. Expecting you to do most of the work. I am ashamed just to think that we are even waiting for funding to carry out projects. We don't even support you enough for your airfare. We serve it in a mediocre and easy way.

HpS - You, devotees in Peru, do a lot for our ASA Sankirtan. We feel that we are in your debt. Of course, we are all little engines running on Srila Prabhupada's electicity.

I believe that we would only have to ask for your advice and take charge of the projects, providing the material and human resources.

You have already done your part in a wonderful way. We still don't do enough. I do not want to think that when you return to God we do not know what to do and we remain lamenting with our arms crossed.

I am of the opinion that we continue to associate in a virtual way like these last months and you go to Vrndaban when things get better and advise us from there.

It is very risky to come here. Some devotees were infested with covid and many will not even be vaccinated anytime soon. Many take public transportation and live in risky areas, etc. Being in physical association, I do not think it is highly recommended, no matter how many measures are taken. It's hard enough thinking about you going away in 2024, I don't want to imagine it happening sooner because of our negligence and dependent mentality.

Devotees will want to see you and it come from various places. They will want to be with you to do the programs, etc. I don't think it is a good idea for the health of you and the devotees as well.

We are very attached to your body. I think it will be a great challenge for us to give up your physical presence and develop more adherence to your instructions. From wherever you are, you can guide us to built a community as you suggest or other projects. There are many devotees entrepreneurs here who can do it. Come together according to various common interests and resources at various sites.

Your projects for a movie and so on can be done very well virtually. On our part we have to commit ourselves more in his Sankirtan.

In any case, if you decide to come, you have to stay in a place away from the city and its pollution and not in a crowded place. The Chosica asrama, for example, where access can be restricted. Even that would be troublesome. You can also leave a little more time and come in September, etc.

I don't think at all that you going to Vrndaban is a comfortable attitude. We know that you will do your Sankirtan to the end, but please let us help you further and take care of the details.

We have you on hand every day. I believe that we must mature as disciples and become more attached to your instructions.

I also promise to give many suggestions on the blog. I also have to meditate on your suggestion of Don Quixote and Vyasadeva and give my perspective. It will be at another time.

I want to take more advantage of the wonderful association you gives us and commit myself more, so that when it is your turn to leave your Sankirtan remains strong. The devotees will say: Oh! That is Hanumatpresaka Swami's disciple, what a beautiful service he does to his guru and Srila Prabhupada! And you will be proud of us wherever Krishna sends you.

Your servant,

Laksmana-agraja das

HpS - ASA -- Thank you for your advice. The US Government Tourism website gives similar advice, but does not say not to go. If we go to Peru, it would be to go to one rural place where we can develop a New Ashokavan. Yes, we would have to have proper quarantine arrangements for visitors.

We need to have slower global life.

We will get our final vaccination on Monday.

I think it is good to try to visit, but again, with the perspective of making a change to the basic community idea of life in Peru, Tennessee, India.