
3 years, 9 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querdo Gurudev

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a Sus pies de loto.

Estaba preocupada por el ekadasi de ayer lunes 8 marzo. En el calendario vaisnava que siguen casi todos los devotos, está por zonas y para cordoba argentina, el ekadasi , que en realidad dice maha dvadasi, sería hoy martes 9.

Ya que en El querido kapi Dvaja está el calendario vaisnava, es el que estoy siguiendo con todo mi corazón.

Tal vez mi preocupación es tonta porque si Usted lo pone ahí, supongo que es para todos los países en que estamos sus discípulos,

Sólo pensé en los devotos que están haciendolo hoy .

Y también

me acordé cuando.. hace un tiempo atrás, cuando le pregunté sobre esos días del año que son :

ekadasi, maha dvadasi y al día siguiente recien romper ayuno. Usted me dijo como hacerlo. Me preguntaba si está vez era uno de esas veces... Y quería pedirle que cuando así sea, pueda ponerlo en Su inspirante Boletín.

Por favor perdone cualquier ofensa cometida sin querer.

Intentando avanzar en este difícil Kali Yuga,

su intento de discípula:

J. P. Radha


Dear Gurudev

Please accept my respectful obeisances at His lotus feet.

I was worried about the ekadasi yesterday, Monday March 8th. In the Vaisnava calendar that almost all devotees follow, it is by zones and for Argentine Cordoba, the ekadasi, which actually says maha dvadasi, would be today Tuesday the 9th.

Since in dear Kapi Dvaja there is the Vaisnava calendar, it is the one that I am following with all my heart.

HpS - Jaya! It is calculated for Nashville, Tennesee. When I calculated for Lima the Ekadasi was a Dvadasi fast, the next day, so you may have to adjust for local differences.

Perhaps my concern is silly because if you put it there, I suppose it is for all the countries where your disciples are, I only thought of the devotees who are doing it today.

HpS - Yes, it is for where we are camping, so you have to adjust for local times

And also I remembered when .. a while ago, when I asked him about those days of the year that are: ekadasi, maha dvadasi and the next day they just break a fast. You told me how to do it. I was wondering if this time was one of those times ... And I wanted to ask that when it is, I can put it in his inspiring Newsletter.

Please forgive any offense committed inadvertently.

Trying to advance in this difficult Kali Yuga,

An attempt as a disciple:

J. P. Radha Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA === The Kapi Dhvaja has a link to the full ASA Calendar and there you can see that it is calculated for our local time. Try to follow the Vaisnava calendar as best as you can. It helps. Srila Prabhupada did it, and Krsna will adjust for any mistakes we make!!