Report from Chile

Hare Krishna, Gurudev, please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope this letter find you well

First of all, I want to apologize for my lack of communication on this blog. Its been so much time from the last report so i am going to make a summary

ASA - We also apologize for not communicating more on this Blog. Thank you for only making a summary, but hop it is good window into your Sankirtan.

  • We are living in Laguna Verde, (V region), its a rural zone of Valparaiso (forest and sea, nice landscape)
  • We are in the process of building a house, and we dream in a future receiving Srila Prabhupada´s guests here.
  • We are homeschooling our kids, they are my best asocciation in this moment that i live far away from devotees
  • I am in lecture groups with another moms and vaishnavis, when we read every day at least 5 minutes and comment our reflection and doubts each other, through whatsapp, in one group we are in second canto of srimad bhagavatam by this method, in another one we are reading first canto again, and in other group we read Bhagavad Gita.
  • In this moment of my life, its been hard for me getting up at Bhrama Muhurta as other years, because working in the house with shovel, hammer, and all this construction things make feel so tired, but i chant my minimun 16 rounds as early as i can every days and i really really want to improve this because i love mangala arati time.

HpS - ASA --- You just have to learn how to do it properly. Then you will get more hammer and and shovel work done better. "Slow down. Get more work done!", Old Carpenter.

  • We follow 4 principles

ASA - So do we (but too many sweets sometimes!).

  • i am learning a lot about orchards and composting, its been very interesting

Thank you very much for all the inspiration in FMP and Srimad bhagavatam class, i pray for being a better disciple. Please forgive my negligence

your aspirant servant

Indu lekha devi dasi

HpS - What are the names of your family and families, family members?? The Gopis in Vraja are not really married (?) they just think they have husbands, but they never quite appear? Mad women.