Oh my Lord!

3 years, 10 months ago by nicole_silva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, querido Maharaja. Espero que se encuentre muy bien! 🤗

Hace ya tres meses que no me he dado el tiempo para escribirle. Lamento mucho mi ingratitud. Espero mejorar cada día, y que mis próximos reportes no sean tan distantes entre ellos.

Han pasado muchas cosas en mi vida en este último tiempo, y estoy ansiosa por contarle algunos detalles que me parecen relevantes.

* Lo malo...

Laboralmente, sigo trabajando en la misma empresa hace ya un año. Nos dedicamos a instalar paneles solares térmicos para agua caliente en viviendas sociales.

Me gusta mucho mi trabajo, especialmente porque soy una herramienta de servicio a la comunidad y al mundo.

Es muy demandante y he estado muy estresada -mi jefe es un tanto "especial"- pero fuera de todo eso, me siento agradecida con Krsna por permitirme servirlo de esta manera.

Mi sadhana se ha visto afectado tremendamente con el ritmo de vida que llevo. Me ha costado mucho levantarme temprano y cantar mis rondas antes de salir a trabajar. Me cuesta ingresar al FMP durante la semana, porque aquí en Chile son las 7.30am y a esa hora me preparo para salir de casa. Sin embargo, los fines de semana me conecto para compartir con usted y los devotos, y así recargarme de energía espiritual para comenzar con fuerza la semana que viene.

La calidad de mis rondas ha decaído mucho, y la cantidad -a veces- no ha permanecido constante. Si me quedan rondas del día anterior, trato de cantarlas al día siguiente, pero muchas veces he acumulado demasiadas rondas, y no he terminado de cantarlas 😓


Le pido disculpas por esta falta... Estoy intentado mejorar en mi compromiso con usted, con Prabhupada y con Krsna.

Mi salud ha estado inestable. Tuve un dolor constante durante casi 9 meses en mi cadera derecha, espalda lumbar y mis rodillas, por lo que asistí a un especialista para hacerme exámenes. Gracias a Krsna no es nada grave y todo se puede solucionar de manera práctica.

* Ahora lo bueno...

Mi compromiso con Dhatri no ha decaído, continúo guiando un grupo de JAPA matutino los sábados y domingos donde nos reunimos de manera ON-LINE a cantar el maha-mantra. Todos los que forman parte de esta comunidad son mi familia y me inspiran mucho a seguir esforzándome para ser cada día mejor.

Abhiram TD me ha contactado y me invitó a participar en el grupo técnico de Solaris, por lo que estoy haciendo un pequeño servicio gracias a su misericordia.

Este último tiempo ha sido de mucho cuestionamiento, Maharaja, y se me han presentado muchas oportunidades para seguir desarrollándome profesionalmente. En vista a lo anterior, hace un par de semanas decidí matricularme para cursar un Magister en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, lo que potenciará mis conocimientos en mi área profesional de interés, y me permitirá -si Krsna así lo desea- poder ocupar ese conocimiento para servir al mundo y a la humanidad.

Usted está muy presente en mí, Maharaja. A veces aparece en mis aventuras oníricas, a veces en mis pensamientos, a veces cuando canto japa, y en otras muchas ocasiones 🙏


Como le he dicho siempre, usted es una inspiración constante para mí, y le agradezco mucho permitirme mantener contacto por este medio.

Muchas gracias por leerme y responder de la forma perfecta en que siempre lo ha hecho. Le agradezco infinitamente todo su tiempo y dedicación 💛

Su eterna sirvienta

Nicole Silva.


Hare Krsna, dear Maharaja. I hope you are well! 🤗

It has been three months since I have taken the time to write to you. I am very sorry for my ingratitude. I hope to improve every day, and that my next reports are not so distant from each other.

A lot has happened in my life in recent times, and I am anxious to tell you some details that seem relevant to me.

* The bad...

From work, I have been working in the same company for a year now. We are dedicated to installing solar thermal panels for hot water in social housing.

I really like my job, especially because I am a tool of service to the community and the world.

It is very demanding and I have been very stressed - my boss is somewhat "special" - but outside of all that, I am grateful to Krsna for allowing me to serve Him in this way.

My sadhana has been tremendously affected by the rhythm of my life. I have had a hard time getting up early and singing my rounds before going to work. It is difficult for me to enter the FMP during the week, because here in Chile it is 7.30am and at that time I get ready to leave home. However, on weekends I connect to share with you and the devotees, and thus recharge myself with spiritual energy to start the next week strong.

The quality of my rounds has declined a lot, and the quantity - sometimes - has not remained constant. If I have rounds left from the day before, I try to sing them the next day, but many times I have accumulated too many rounds, and I have not finished singing them 😓

I apologize for this lack ... I am trying to improve my commitment to you, Prabhupada and Krsna.

My health has been unstable. I had constant pain for almost 9 months in my right hip, lower back and my knees, so I went to a specialist for tests. Thanks to Krsna it is nothing serious and everything can be solved in a practical way.

* Now the good ...

My commitment to Dhatri has not waned, I continue to lead a morning JAPA group on Saturdays and Sundays where we meet ON-LINE to sing the maha-mantra. All those who are part of this community are my family and they inspire me a lot to continue striving to be better every day.

Abhiram TD has contacted me and invited me to participate in the Solaris technical group, so I am doing a little service thanks to his mercy.

This last time has been one of much questioning, Maharaja, and I have been presented with many opportunities to continue developing professionally. In view of the above, a couple of weeks ago I decided to enroll for a Master's in Environment and Sustainable Development, which will enhance my knowledge in my professional area of ​​interest, and will allow me -if Krsna so wishes- to be able to occupy that knowledge to serve the world and humanity.

You are very present in me, Maharaja. Sometimes it appears in my dream adventures, sometimes in my thoughts, sometimes when I chant japa, and on many other occasions 🙏

As I have always told you, you are a constant inspiration to me, and I thank you very much for allowing me to maintain contact through this medium.

Thank you very much for reading me and responding in the perfect way that you always have. I thank you infinitely for all your time and dedication 💛

Your eternal servant

Nicole Silva.

HpS - ASA --- It is a struggle for us to follow Srila Prabhupada's, Lord Caitanya's, Krsna's instruction to put 16-nice rounds first. It is the Yuga dharma. Everything else will improve in the best possible way if we do that.

I have to remind myself.

Keep track of your debt in rounds.

Fix a vow that you can do, for some time, like, one week, one fortnight, then do it.

Maya says see will kill you if your chant.

O.K. better to die chanting.

One true story, one soldier in Vietnam was initiated and promised to chant 16 rounds daily. He got hit by a bomb and in the hospital they put him on external care but it was guaranteed he was going to die in a few hours.

By the end of the day, his life, he had chanted his rounds.

Your Boss is there for you to help.

Krsna has arranged the position for you, if your are 16/4.

Thank you!!

HpS - ASA.