DTC 20(Sat)

4 years ago by hps in DTC



Brother Ass has a headache, so we are not irritating him too much. Was a 95% successful day.

Such wonderful Mangala arati, SB class, talks with Texas, Utah, Tennessee, Peru.

  • Laundry.
  • Blog.
  • Now it's time to die (rest).

We like the 'Tears in the Rain' soliloquy from "Blade Runner".

The cowherd boys, when they are sitting under the shady trees in the afternoons must have so may discussions about dramas, poems, that the gopis, others are producing in Vrndavana.

  1. Composition
  2. Production
  3. Criticism

The three aspects of Drama.

See you in The Heavens. (Bhur, Bhuva, Sva).

h a r e -]KRSNA]>> h a r

