There is a Cure for Covid- less risky than the vaccine

3 years, 11 months ago by hps in Special Category A

On Thursday, February 18, 2021, one devotee <. . .> wrote: To ASA yahoo mail:

Dear Jayarama Prabhu

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please accept my humble obeisances.

We have been working on valuable information about the Covid vaccine for the ISKCON leadership. We know that everyone wants to travel and be with the devotees around the world. We want to alert you to the Cure for Covid as well as to some of the issues around the vaccine.

There are a few tried and tested protocols which are a cure for Covid:

1. Ivermectin protocol: We have devotee doctors who have used it to treat Covid patients successfully

2. Hydroxychloroquin protocol- prophylactic 

3. Vitamin D high dose

We have prepared a documentary with world experts, Nobel Laureates, professionals, scientists, doctors who are the top of their professions. These experts are offering alternatives to the vaccine and alerting us to some of the potential consequences of taking the vaccine.

We have shown the documentary to the ISKCON leadership in Australia among which are Ramai Swami and Mukunda Maharaj. Mukunda Maharaj has given us feedback directly and said it was “Excellent”.

Please watch the link below

The Last Inch:

If you’d like to discuss further or want more information please contact me at the above email. We have a panel of ISKCON doctors who are willing to discuss these matters further.

Your servant

Anjana Suta Academy (Hp Swami) - Thank you very much for this communication, but we followed the link and then pushed the Play button on the video twice and it would not run. Also the Transcript that was mentioned as following did not appear.

Can you help us?

Thank you.