Personal Sadhana Report

3 years, 11 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Guruji Maharaja, Dandavat Pranam,

All Glaries to Sri Krsna, Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Brinda.

Please accept my humble obeisances unto the padmacharan of Guruji Maharajah that I am performing every day 16 rounds or more but what it meant “nice”?

HpS - Thank you for your letter. SP explains this at: and the related verse. Sixteen enthusiastic rounds.


The four principles, Mangaarati at 3.30 but no bath and dress because my pujah is performed in the Chitrabot. Again, as I am grihastha, I could not engage whole days in the service of Radha-Krsna. Only two times; one in the morning Mangal aarti and the other in the evening sandhya arati.

HpS - Yet that is like thinking that Arjuna could not serve Krsna during the day because he had his Grhastha duties in fighting the battle, no? Use the morning and evening to fix your self in Krsna's service during the day! Why do you work at the university? For whom are you working? How can you do Sankirtan there?


At the time of the first initiation Guruji gave us Harinam Mahamantra (16 names), the sacred thread, Nama Mala, again in the second initiation (Brahma Diksa) Guruji gave us Gayatri Mantra. Here no mantras of Nityananda & Srimati Radharani. Sadhu-Sanga told me the Mantras and Gayatri of Prabhu Nidyananda and Srimati Radharani are very much necessary for a Goudira Beisnava (Raganuga-sadhana-bhakti). I have found them in local Manipuri books but Guruji's acceptance is compulsorily most needed.

HpS - We chant the Gauranga Gayatri Mantra and of course, that includes worship of Lord Nityananda, and the Radha mantra is given at the time of formal Sannyasa. However, there are Mantras in the Puja of ISKCON Temple Deities for Lord Nitya-ananda and Srimati Radhika et al. Can you ask Vanamali Das or Sadhu-sanga Das for those? ? ?

We certainly approve of that worship!

I have re-read the slokas 8 of NOI and 1.2.294-95 of BRS. The NOI indicates only for those bhaktas who stay at Vrindavan but we are staying at home and practicing only through Gamana-Gaman by (Siddha body). In Jiva Gosvami’s commentary “Now, the method of raganuga-sadhana-bhakti is described. If possible, one should live physically in the places where Krsna lived, such as Vrndavana. If one cannot do that, then the person should live there mentally (self Sakhi-Manjari)". We need more Guruji’s suggestion.

HpS - Yes, if we cannot live physically in Braja, then living in ISKCON temple, or Grhastha ashrama where Radha and Krsna are worshipped is just as good.

Are you worshipping Radha Krsna Murti in your Ashrama??

Our Siddha deha may not be Sakhi or Manjari. Uddhava just wanted to be a blade of grass under the feet of the Gopis. Seems we have to be a little careful to think that we are suddenly more advanced than Uddhava.

Are you ready to be Karna or Bhismadeva or Pandu in you next lifetime?

Even those Lilas are very, very, very difficult, no?

It is very nice to get your association in these matters and we hope that we are not committing and offenses.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das