Jara Mara Hari Das Reporting from Spain

3 years, 11 months ago by jaramara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja PAMHO AGTSP

Here we are still alive (Will be 50 years old in 10 months)

HpS - If we live that long, we will be 74-years old in 11-months. Have you lived a good life so far? Seems like it.

Still based in my parents property (They are getting older over 75 now)

We got 5 hectares land and planning to develop Rural community

Planing to get a 50+ capacity youth hostel near the spot. (Would be a Asrama to host gests and students).

Keep developing projects, getting funds from European Union for developing nice projects for the youth, and supporting ISKCON organizations all around Europe. (Collecting and distributing over 1.000.000 € every year)

Now the good news:

We had a motor bike accident, Clavicle, hand and 3 rips broken.

Surgery, some titanium and glue and ready for service again.

ASA - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Six_Million_Dollar_Man. Hope it was very, very useful for your eternal realization!! Big asset.

I was asking my self why Krishna and Balaram let this happen

I didn't need such a big signal just to learn to drive safely.

So It happened that after surgery I had to stay in bed for like 3 weeks.

So I didn't know what to do with all my natural passion.

Finally i decided to focus in trying to understand how to distribute Srila Prabhupada books through internet.

So after many youtube tutorials I Got to a plan

And decided to give it a try.

So I started with the system 23 November

Till Today 10 February we have distributed:

702 Bhagavad Gitas

Over 100 Small books

over 16.000 Euros collected and this is only in 2 months in Spain

Best of all I didn't have to move from my home

I just have to go to the post office once a day

HpS - ! Upadesamrtas? Light of the Bhagavatas? Making your customers in to salesmen??

And over all we got 800 contacts with Address, email and phone number

So we can keep helping this souls to get closer to Krishna, get more books, invite them to festivals, seminars, digital meetings, etc.

HpS - Super! That is the system, no? Distribute a few books and then train those people how to distribute.

We really think this is gonna be a revolution in the Sankirtan movement

The system is just on its first steps so it can be much more productive.

We are now looking for Sankirtan partners so we can expand the system every where:

Already set it up In:

Italy, México and Estonia.

We will start the E-Sankirtan this week in:

Argentina, Colombia, Germany, Sweden, Denmark.

We are setting up to start next week in:

UK, Australia, France, Croatia, Poland, Bielorrusia

Already seting up also for:

France, Portugal, Chile, Bengala, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg....

We keep in the process of expansion and hopefully we will have cover 30 countries by the end of this year. (Including USA, Canada, India,Russia, etc)

So I believe this will make Prabhupada very happy on his 125 anniversary.

All this has been possible thanks to your constant inspiration.

ASA - AgtSP!

So I kindly ask you for your benediction to be able to serve at the best of my possibilities to your dear guru maharaja (Srila Prabhupada) and Lord´s gauranga Sankirtana movement and your good self.

HpS - Is there some way people who want to join you can contact you?

I am also really trying to set up an ideal rural community as I believe this exemplary communities will also very much make SP happy.

HpS - So are we now. We like the name, New Ashokavan, named after Hanuman's lila of giving the ring to Sita!

In 10 months I will be 50 so I hope I would be able to delegate more in the younger Sankirtan partners like Prema Rasarnava, and Mantri Ram so I can start focusing in more reading and profound chanting.

HpS - Hmmm. Yes, but continue with your Sankirtan, now as a General rather than a Lieutenant.

Marta is being and amazing support, our relationship is getting more mature so less fights and more complicity in the service of Krishna Balarama.

She is very good packaging the books we sell.

HpS - Our respects to her!!! We only hope we can serve her. She is a very great person.

My son Vrindavan is in his first year university studying chemical engineering.

Marta´s father left his body so she is occupied solving all the administrative stuff.

Our garden keeps providing big percentage of our daily meal.

ASA - Also Meals for Moles?

We also have two bee hives and got some 5 Kg of honey for Krishna and Balarama.

Well Thats all for now

Please, Let me know if I can serve you in any way

Your fallen servant


HpS - ASA - How is your Japa, Kirtan, Deity worship? Full morning program? We teach who we are more than what we know, no? 🙂

We hope more devotees join you. Respects to your father.