More Personal Thoughts and Realizations

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to his divine grace, Srila Prabhupada-our founder acharya. And all glories to you for your exemplary devotional service to Srila Prabhupada, Lord Chaitanya, and all the devotees of the Lord.

I have been wanting to write to you for some time now. But I get so easily bewildered by the material energy, that it seems I never have the time when I want to; or else I have the time, but then I always let something take preferential consideration.

ASA - We second all that!

Know for certain that I often wonder when we will ever have your association again here in Boise; and I also think of the danger of losing your association. I know what it means to lose the association of a spiritual master. I have some painful memories of those moments. And sometimes with a little hindsight I wonder when I actually lost that connection: either before or after "the loss." And then I remember you, and the kindness and compassion that you showed us whenever you came. I can't say more than this on this matter, even now after all these years.

HpS - 🐷!!! AgtSP who makes up the Duty Rosters as he thinks best!!! Sure we will meet again in this life or some other, soldier!! (Picture attached: General Chimpanzee)

I can't begin to understand or explain how or why it is that I have been able to survive the constant struggle to remain connected to Lord Chaitanya's movement. There have been many times when I felt alone in my devotional service. When I recall how Srila Prabhupada once said "I never felt alone. I always felt the presence of my spiritual master," I have to ask myself "How did he do that? His obstacles and challenges make mine seem so puny and trivial by comparison." I certainly can appreciate the value of devotee association at such times.

ASA - 👍

In moving on, I have 3 evenings a week whereby I try and do some preaching over the internet on the ZOOM CHAT SITE. I wanted to mention these things to you aforehand, as I was hoping to receive your blessings so that I can feel confident that Sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupada will be pleased to accept my meager and humble devotional service. But again, I let other things take a greater priority. Please kindly forgive me for these offenses.

ASA - ! ! !

TUESDAY EVENINGS are dedicated to live reading of Vaishnava literature. This week I am reading about the pastimes of Sri Ramanujacharya, and when it is finally over I will move on to some other reading: either NOD, NOI, Lilamrita, or whatever: By Srila Prabhupada's mercy and selfless sacrifice there is so much to read and share.

THURSDAY EVENINGS are dedicated to a PowerPoint presentation telling STORIES FROM THE MAHABHARATA. A couple of years ago I attempted this effort with very little results-and only about 100 slides for the entire presentation. But now I have something over 275 slides-and countless more on the way. This service requires immeasurable patience and steadiness in order for me to survive to the finish of this task, but I am feeling very enlivened by the task.

ASA - [Worth $247,323]

SATURDAY EVENINGS are dedicated to the BHAGAVAD GITA STUDY GUIDE that I host. At present there are 4 students-and that includes my wife. There is no certification offered, as I am too lazy to pursue that rigorous course myself. But I was petitioned to host such a program by another devotee-who doesn't even live in Boise. She called me one day literally begging me to initiate such a class online, and so I took it as Krishna. The study guide is what was presented by VIHE (Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education).

HpS - Cool.

I don't really have an audience for the Tuesday or Thursday programs, but I am hoping that over time that can change. Devotees have expressed their appreciation for my efforts, but I am alone when it comes to attendance. If you give your blessings, then there is every chance of success, even if success is long overdue or never happens-as strange as this last statement may sound. I am hoping that you will be moved with compassion for my efforts and give me your blessings, which would give me all the shelter and confidence I need to keep up my service.


I will close here, anticipating your merciful response.

ASA - 🙂 🐩

🐵 🐷 Is helpful. These comments.

Your lowly servant🙏

Balabhadra dasa


MEETING ID: 526 302 1451; PASSCODE: 128782

Just in case there are others who would like to hear some readings, MAHABHARATA stories, or join the Bhagavad gita class: 7 PM MST🙏