Sankirtana of Confused Soul (long , not urgent, but important)

3 years, 11 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous letters

written on 20210207,2003hrs..

Kneeling Down Senyor, PAMHO, AGTSP,

meine Ehrerbietungen .

It seems we have got something to do with Duetshcland, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary etc,

Schawernagger, Oppenheim, Einstein, Jung, Hitler,Jean-Claude Van Damme the list goes on.....

We were all impressed by these guys..

In search of our Karma we were exploring music , one more German Name is added. ---- Great Music Composer.

We are writing to you, because you opened the gates for us for Virat Purasa , the collective unconscious, theatre, viola saplin, archetypes, etc.

Somehow we are looking for you in every person, or Krsna in every person from your perspective.

ASA - AGTSP! Yes, Krsna in every person!

Ufffffff..... little updates.

  1. We hug the punching bag, and pray to Narsimha deva, that we are imagining that we are kicking you on side ribs from legs, hope you like this service of ours. (something like south indian brahmin, dont know how bonafide it is).

ASA - You are kicking Lord Nrsmhadeva in the ribs? (Seems rather rude, but for Him it may be a tickle!)

  1. We are still searching for our service, our current nature, some times we are music composer, some times fighter (we play chess a lot), Mathematician, seeker of Visva rupa, royal counsellor..dont know what is there in treasure for us by SPOG . Seems it is important to dovetail ourself.... In your ASA caranaval Mayapur we got this ,that one's service is very important..
  2. 16 rounds going on, rising before sun improving, four rules stronger, Mangal Arti More regular. Its interesting that morning begins as --world is forest fire.
  3. we have customized audio list .. . Lover of Lord By Mangala Ananda Prabhu as dedication to Srila Prabhupada, we sing with meaning. , then we play Sri Rupa Manjari, Jagganath Astak.
  4. we have pasted Photo graph of Bheesma with bow ( from your repository) he is the greatest Kshatriya defeated his guru also. Did not loose drop of semen, remembered Krsna always. He was ready to be killed instead of hitting a women, (great learning for us, The Mahajan taught us what it means to be Ksatriya)

Jung Project

Its good to see Sugopi Mataji's progress for Jung research. We went for age and life regression in Jan in Delhi by aspiring devotee Mataji. We could connect with her immediately. We found ease in talking with her. She is dream analyst, and has read about Carl Jung a lot. I definitely think she will be benefitted by your Jungian Project.

What material we can forward for her?

HpS - Article in 3rd Viplavah 2019. Iskcon

parting show,

Godzilla's trailer shows his hair, I remembered the hair of Lord Varaha..and with loud roar.

Ultimately every rascal is looking for supreme rascal in various ways. {ha ha ha}

HpS - Well, directly only extraordinary rascals look for Supreme Rascal, no? Was Jaya/Vijaya's qualification. Wanted to kill God, not their wife, boss, President, weather man.

wish could receive a punch from your physical body. hope we can be recruited in arm of monitos in some way.

HpS - ASA - We are incapable of even thinking of striking you. We are afraid we would be reprimanded by Durdarshana even if we though of it.

trying to find my current swabhav...


flat on body, dandvats.

two legged animal

HpS - ASA - Respects to you, who have taken birth in an elevated family and nation and run after Krsna! Hope you get news from The Better Half. Two steps forward you have made!!! Your pathway is much clearer to the glade. I still remember when you, me and Mataji, met after the lecture in Gaziabad.