Hare Krsna Maharaja!!!
Por favor acepta mis humildes reverencias a tus pies.
Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!
Como cada carta empizo contandole sobre mi sadhana ,20 rondas ,4 principios ,ultimamente un poco dificil concentrarme en buenas rondas,sigo el FMP y me conecto a las clases cuando son en español, atiendo las Tulasis (4)en casa,atiendo Jagannath Baladev Subhadra,Goura Nitay ,ofrezco dulces,capatis,ofrenda medio dia y leche,mi lectura en este momento se basa a los libros del curso de bhakti sastri,el cual sigo con P.Gandharva y nuevamente leyendo el krsna book.
"Please do not publish this part of the letter, because you are a sanyasi, this letter to the blog goes with a copy to the mail of P. Gandharva and his Wife"
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HpS - Comenta abajo en Ingles.
Bhaktin Amparo
Hare Krsna Maharaja !!!
Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet.
HpS - AgtSP!!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!
As each letter I start telling you about my sadhana, 20 rounds, 4 principles, lately a bit difficult to concentrate on good rounds, I follow the FMP and connect to classes when they are in Spanish, I attend Tulasis (4) at home, I attend Jagannath Baladev Subhadra, Goura Nitay, I offer sweets, capatis, half day offering and milk, my reading at this time is based on the books of the bhakti sastri course, which I continue with P. Gandharva and again reading the krsna book.
HpS - ASA - !!! 👌
"Please do not publish this part of the letter, because you are a sanyasi, this letter to the blog goes with a copy to the mail of P. Gandharva and his Wife de él"
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HpS/ASA - We won't even read it. 😊
Best process is to have Gandharva Das or Karuna Krsna Das or some such nice devotee to send the letter to us. We are waiting. Thank you for all you determined efforts to help this movement.
Bhaktin Amparo