URGENT: Request for participation as listener (MI)

Hare krsna Maharaja and ASA team,

Please accept my humble obeissances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and discipular succession!

Thank you very much for your answering about SB classes on monday.

I wanted ask you please if you can allow me to participate as listener for the course that you will give for Mayapur Institute (1 to 5 February and 15 to 19).

HpS - ASA --- Yes. Certainly. It is an honor.... We should give the link . It is only February 15-19

Hopefully possible

Thanks a lot

whit affection

ys Isvari R dd

Note: Darupadi is a great devotee and queen, and she defended Ashwatama in opposition to Krsna's wish that he should die for his crimes. Ashwattama tried to two times to eliminate the descendents of the Pandavas.

Draupadi mentioned that by mercy for Kripi, Ashwattama should not be killed, however, when he was sent into exile, he would no longer see or take care of his mother Kripi, and being true that the soul is eternal, the execution of Ashwattama would have been the most appropriate thing to do than leave him in exile for such a long time. Is there a mission for Ashwttama or plan that he didn't complete in this world?

Please excuse me my intelligence is not deep yet to understand these issues.

HpS - As we understand, Krsna was not completely dissatisfied with him. Asv. knew that his own father loved Arjuna more than he loved him, Asv. That's tough thing for a boy to accept. Then, after his father taught Arjuna all his most confidential knowledge, what did Arj, Pandavas do. They tircked, his father, killed him...

.... So it might seem that for Asv. to go temporarily insane was not unjustified, but he made too many mistakes for the son of a Brahmana, and so Krsna was satisfied that he was chastised like he was.

Guess he came to his senses and accepted that punishment.

So it is all justified.

Maybe Pandavas all saying, "You are more than us. You accepted chastisement for your sins, and now that is O.K."

In the next Satya yuga he will still be alive and will be given the honor of being the father of the next race of Ksatriyas.

Mixed good and bad guy like us??