25 Sri Vyasa Puja

3 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I did not realize that this was your 25 Sri Vyasa Puja until Madhumanjari dd pointed that out. I realized as well that I was present in your first Sri Vyasa puja and that I took the only pictures that MMDD has about that day.

I can recall that on that day I was listening all the exquisite offerings that your disciples gave to your very good self. And I felt that I wanted to be in that position some day. Years passed and in February 2004 I received Harinam diksa. Since then I felt the most fortunate girl in the world. I have exceptional parents, job, service and so forth. Years passed and I lost my father, since that moment I started to have many tests in my Spiritual life, my worst nightmare became truth when my mother left this world. Due to I started to become a little disturbed about my own old age. So, even if I do not have the standard that I used to have You did not treat me any different. On the contrary, You give even much more mercy. Despite the fact that my clumsiness, evil and selfishness did not diminish at all.

I just want to express how grateful I am to be part of your life, thoughts and feelings.

Thanks for loving Ulyses. He is a very special dog, he never missed the opportunity to take maha prasadam.

In the secluded place inside my soul, I keep my light in your lotus feet which are the most precious shelter.

All Glories to Sri Guruparampara

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to HH Hamumatpresaka Swami

I am attaching one picture that Namacarya das sent to me, but it did not appear in any video.

Once and again thank you. I hope to be one day useful in the service of Guru and Gauranga as Raktak, Srinivas-acarya, Radhika Raman prabhus, Madhumanjari, Astasakhi matajis are.

Your clumsy disciple

Candramukhi dd

ASA - HpSwami is japa now, but he thanks you for writing in english, having a great dog, remembering so many things, and hope you remember lord nityananda's dealings with yamuna, and you subvert your sister into an initiated devotee et al.