Vyasapuja Offering

4 years ago by pnd in Other

Dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

From time I met you, first time, I was always amazed by your incredible humility and how you are friendly and approachable to all.

HpS - Like a short apple tree, maybe, who has been cultivated by a good gardener.

It is so nice to finally be able to read this letter.

When I feel tired or painful I always use it as excuse to relax, waste time. In fact it is embarrassing how much of this life I already wasted in activities with no practical value.

On opposite side when reading your Blog it, is such inspiration to see how you are able to use so much time for Krishna, Srila Prabhupada and all humanity. Body is causing you pain, but you are still fixed in Srila Prabhupada's mission and always kind to everybody.

Like a rope for mountain climber, rope which holds him when he will otherwise fall and die, and rope which showing him direction through which he should climb. I slowly start to realize that without your support and direction I would get completely lost and will otherwise completely waste this short life. 

I wish, one day to be able to come closer to be dedicated and kind as you are.

Thank you for everything!

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - ASA -- You are like Lord Siva: https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/4/4/12/ 😎


When you describe your using fatigue and pain as an excuse to relax and do things that have no lasting value, then I have to include myself, maybe even more than you.

Yet I also remember the association of Jayananda Das. His association for us was like associating with Srila Prabhupada, and he would say the same things.

He was not pretending. He really felt that way.

Lalita or Visaka may come to you and say, "PnD, you are such a sincere devotee. We are so lazy, never doing anything for Krsna!"

The problem is that they really MEAN it, feel it.

Ooof! Such a strange religion.

Then we have to think, O.K. if Jayananda is facing these challenges, then what to speak of me! His response is to just try his best, balance his work and recreation.

Pray to Radha, Krsna and Rama, Guru, to guide him. In balancing these things.

I think we all want to thank you for the wonderful resources you have given us.

I think you must also be blessed with wonderful father, wife, family, that you can act so sincerely.

Thank you for your association.

I think that after accumulating heaps of pious acts (https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/3/2/29/#bb20659 ) in Srila Prabhupada's insane asylum one day we will all be able to "by Audi" and play with Krsna.

Forward. We seem to be on the right path.