Critical Music Review (Gaura Vani Das - Compass)

4 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

Critical Review

Photo of Board of Review Attached

Submitted by Gauravani Das:

YouTube:Compass (feat. revati prema)

Contrast with:

Reflection of Krsna and the Cowherd Boys? Dangerous to Gopis? See lyrics. Can write Krsna conscious comments?


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At this moment the hard beat [virya rasa?] is more appealing to us. Other times the softer mellow could certainly be cool. Lyrics are very difficult. We are very much afraid to listen to them unless it is a paraphrase of Bh. V. Th. et al. Ooooh.

Lyrics with Sastric references.

Another Contrast (local Nashville iconography):

Both cases the lead is the drummer!

Give a purport to the song. How it was written? For who?

Champu is poetry and prose combined eg. Gopala champu of Jiva Goswami.