A new year is here

3 years, 11 months ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré krishna Gurudev

Pamhr tlgaSP ki jay...!

Encontramos diariamente en la mañana la oportunidad de continuar nuestro seva adorando a nuestras deidades, salagrams, cocinando, atendiendo a nuestra familia y cantando los santos nombres en nuestra japa y esa oportunidad esta presente todos los dias por lo tanto no existe nuevo año o viejo año cuando estamos atendiendo a Krisna tan solo tenemos nuestro tiempo q no cambia porq estamos fijos y felices en nuestro dharma.

Salimos unos dias a Sankirtan no con libros del BBT con recetarios de cocina del prabhu Harinan, pienso q la gente necesita mejores su calidad de vida y su salud mejorara atraves de una comida conciente, este fue mi aporte en tiempos de pandemia, la filosofia entrara mas facil en una mente sana y calmada.

Nuestro bebe Soren Prahlada ah cumplido 1 año el 31 de Diciembre una pequeñanreunion familair en nuestra casa, compartiendo torta, hamburguesas, bebidas y dulces prasadam, hubo regalos y hubo aprecio por nuestro esfuerzo.

Realizaremos su vyasa puja con amigos devotos(as) en casa de uno de ellos, esperamos pronto tener su asociacion en Lima en la forma de vani extrañamos su buen humor en nuestra vida y ayudar en su sankirtan.

Nos preparamos para volver a India para la inaguracion del planetario sus bendiciones para seguir con nuestro servicio de dramas y danzas alado de buenos vaisnavas.

Muchas gracias por su asociacion online y gracias por aceptarnos en la linea de sucesión discipular como guru Diksha me postro a sus pies con humilda y gratitud


I will do (Hare 😁) Krishna Gurudev

Pamhr tlgaSP ki jay ...!

We find daily in the morning the opportunity to continue our seva by worshiping our deities, salagrams, cooking, attending our family and chanting the holy names in our japa

and that opportunity is present every day, therefore there is no new year or old year

When we are attending to Krishna we only have our time that does not change because we are fixed and happy in our dharma.

HpS - Eternal present, eternally improving, refining.

We went out to Sankirtan for a few days,

not with BBT books with prabhu Harinan cookbooks,

I think that people need better quality of life and their health will improve through a conscious meal, this was my contribution in times of pandemic, the philosophy will enter easier in a healthy and calm mind.

Our baby Soren Prahlada has turned 1 year on December 31st, a small family reunion in our house, sharing cake, hamburgers, drinks and sweet prasadam, there were gifts and there was appreciation for our effort.

HpS - In our last Ashrama our son was named Peter Soren-Knut Robinson.

We will perform your vyasa puja with devout friends at the home of one of them, we hope soon to have your association in Lima in the form of vani, we miss your good mood in our life and help in your sankirtan.

We are preparing to return to India for the inauguration of the planetarium. Your blessings to continue with our service of dramas and dances with good Vaisnavas.

Thank you very much for your online association and thank you for accepting us in the line of disciplic succession as guru Diksha, I bow at your feet with humble and gratitude.

HpS !!! Protect the Soren so he can do wonderful things for society. He is not an ordinary person! Now local Kirtan.... 8PM.... Good night!!!!! Respects to Radha Devi Dasi et al.