Me, You , Paramapara and Sankirtan (long, not urgent, but important)

3 years, 12 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj,


What we are going to write could be inception of Harsh's Inception of Mein Kempf, so you can edit at your will.

ASA: Es wird eine große Ehre sein, von Ihrem Kampf zu hören.

This letter will like our other writing could be incoherent, but I know you are expert in taking essence, we would do our best to synthesize.

ASA (Brown and White) - Ah ja, wir werden unser Bestes geben.

This letter can also be considered as Vyas Puja Offering to you.....

HH HpS holds significant position in our life. People like him are rare, as diamonds are also rare. I know your ideas of Sankirtana would be appreciated by many after you leave mortal planet. Though we find your teachings on the basis of Srila Prabhupada, but some how we are inclined of your ways of preaching.

You made us realize importance of Srila Prabhupada Manifesto ( 1.17.38), and we could see China/Lenin tried to follow Marx’s manifesto.

We heard your discussion with Tapan Misra Prabhu, we were again amazed by the idea, especially Brahmana has to stimulate the Ksatriyas. There many types of Brhaman, deity worshipper, yagna performer, etc etc but we are attracted to Brahmans who could instruct kings. “knowledge is reality distinguished from illusion for common masses.” You are the Brahmana we are attracted to.

We some how wanted to explore your Austrian Pioneering nature. We wanted to understand Karma of Brhamana like you.

Hence we read/heard about national anthem of “Deutschland” (the fatherland) . German involvement in world war one and second. Their ability to take the world on their own single handedly. German seems to be special people (Hitler was from Austria), hardworking, austere, people it seems. They took on Europe with limited resources but with full valor.

ASA (B/W) - Ja, but they lost! Didn't seek enough advice from God.

We also saw documentary on Hitler and Mussolini. Hitler intially was admirer/ follower of Mussolini, but later as year passed esp around in 194O onwards Mussolini started adopting/copying Hitler. (student becomes teacher).

Innovative ideas of eugenics, euthanasia, strange but innovative. Somehow we like Germans even we hear German Heavy Metal band Rammestein. The language is also very punchy.

ASA(B/W) - They start killing old people then they turn on the Monkeys next! Not good. Everyone can work and K will send maintenance.

We are able to appreciate seeing you.

Anyways, I see many qualities in you, you travel alone without servant in this advanced stage just with help of Narsinghdev ji. Your intellectual and physical hardwork is beyond praise for us. You have demonstrated what is real Sannayasa, staying under tree, travel without enough money, in trains, aeroplanes. You could associate with Srila Prabhupada form his books. You have got the essence of teachings. 

Your instruction that may be we should be on Bhagavad Gita has helped us a lot. We are trying to develop some thing as you developed for SB (systematic flow). We also took class from chowpatty on Gita, Psychology, and Astrology.

In canto 1 you stressed that Brahamana should three science Astrology, Ayurveda , and (we dont remember).

ASA - Atma tattva. Is from CC.

Krsna gave us link to Brazilian Astrologer Mataji (Govind Drishti) from Mayapur and just interacted with her for 45 minutes.

What she said about us was very pertinent.

1. We are like, rajrshi, king among sages, sages among king.

2. We have very competitive spirit.

3. We are interested in life after life a lot.

4. We impose discipline on our self a lot.

5. Currently we should focus on health and self exploration. ( Hitler clarified/explored his mind in Jail by Mein Kempf).

6. We will not get child just by mating, there has to be lot of austerity, preparation and blessing, which will give us great progeny.

7. We need to do Physical Sadhana, so that we don't misuse our energy on others in negative manner.

8. For us it is 100% or 0%. We are not that frivilous. 

9. We will have hankering for many comforts, first we have to go through enjoyment, and then we can focus on austerity, rigid practices.

We somehow feel blessed by knowing all this, and we also agree with it.

We do understand we have Rajasic/Kingly Administrative nature, a king living for a ideology , not just pleasure and power. 

Shivaji wanted to revive hindu swaraj.

Mussolini wanted to re-establish Roman empire.

Hitler wanted to establish German Supremancy.

Once you made statement in 2011 that Buddhism expanded majorily due to Ashoka, when we heard it we said , is it possible that we can also be Ashoka of KC.

HpS - Ooof. He killed a lot of people for fame before he became a Buddhist, no? Next life time Ashoka? Better Mahraja Prataparudha, no?

Prahlad Maharaj was ordered by Narsingh Deva, to rule properly not just do 24 hr bhajan. We appreciate Hari Das Thakur, but some thing is there in us which says its not to be done now.

We are not able to Integrate methods of ISKCON in India which is generally temple expansion and deity expansion. We like your reiteration the “the books should be taught in university” we completely agree with it, we are attracted to it. 

I know its difficult task, but still in right direction.

Intellectually we are struggling to grasp the ideas of country, nation, state, province because somehow this seemed to unite many people esp in world war times. SB purport that need to humanity is to find common point , may be the concept of nation will become irrelevant. SB will give just clue, not detail. We are intrigued by this clue, and sort of motivated to all practices/rituals because to able to decipher this clue.

We intellectually believe in personal feature of Krsna, but am not ready of qualified to realize glory of holy name or deity.

We are at the level of Vibhuti Mat Sattva, sun, ocean, taste of water. We want to see divinty every where even in car driving etc. 

And we want others also to start this path, and gradually go to Bhagavan at their speed.

We dont have any idea how to start this, but this idea of Ashoka or Chankaya of KC has been there in us.

Currently we are focusing on learning BG, get basic sadhana, and let see what path and test Krsna takes. ..

Waiting for eureka or mein kempf moment...........

may we die protecting laws made by SPOG.

Kneeling down.

Unbriddled Horse

HpS - ASA --- Thank you.... I do the same Journal ism. SHare them with different people. Re-read them and then edit them if we are going to publish them. Go ahead!

You are actually making progress. That is for sure.