Asa audivisual

Hare Krsna



Al glories to you Guru dev

Thank you very much for your response to our letter.

We are downloading the classes from the link that you send by tweeter and editing them to upload.

As for internet services, the problem is that there are no companies available in the area that offer a better service than we have. Together with the neighbors and the municipality, we are organizing a formal complaint to the company to request "Optical fiber" service. Meanwhile, when the service is cut off, we use the phone data.

HpS - Super! We are including you with the dialogs from Gopinatha Das from Houston. He is very nice person. He has given us several HP computers etc.

Hope you have success with better connection. Maybe with neighbors you can build your own satellite and put a monkey inside to act as telephone operator.

We had a meeting with the devotees of ASA Mexico. They would download all the links and organize a glossary of the videos to select their upload to YouTube.

As for developing short videos of certain topics, it seems like an excellent idea. you can record it with your phone and send it to us.

HpS - This is our main focus, make PPTX and then use them for GoToMeeting shows that can go to the Channel.

hope to be useful in the service Ambarisa Das

Hare krsna

por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias


todas las glorias a usted Guru dev

Muchas gracias por su respuesta a nuestra carta. 

Estamos descargando las clases desde el link que usted envia por tweeter y editandolas para subir. 

En cuanto a los servicios de internet, el problema es que no hay empresas disponibles por la zona que ofrezcan un mejor servicio del que tenemos. Junto a los vecino y la municipalidad estamos organizando un reclamo formal a la empresa para pedir servicio de Fibra Optica. Mientras tanto, cuendo el servicio se corta, usamos los datos del telefono. 

Tuvimos una reunion con los devotos de ASA mexico. Ellos descargarian todos los link y organizarian un glosario de los videos para seleccionar su subida a youtube.

En cuanto a desarrollar videos cortos de ciertos topicos, me parece una excelente idea. usted lo puede grabar con su telefono y enviarlo a nosotros.

esperendo ser util en el servicio Ambarisa Das