Gandharva das's annual report

3 years, 12 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

  • Thank you very much for the response to my last message ( regarding what is a jnani. I understand that the jnani occupies the intellect in rhetorically convincing arguments but ultimately alien to reality (is this possible?). On the other hand, the jnana-yogi understands the instrumental quality of reason as a vehicle and not as an ultimate end (that quality of being means and purpose is possessed only by bhakti).

HpS - ASA - 😎 👍

  • I have completed my rounds 99% of the time, follow 4 principles at 90%, trying to improve in the MoE's seva, reading the fifth Canto of the SB and bathing Salagrama Sila 3 days a week at the temple. My relationship with Indira Sakti devi dasi is reaching interesting levels, it has become more sublime, subtle and sensitive.

HpS - ASA - Did you file a report in the Report Section in this Blog?? Worshipping the Silas with 90% 4-regs could be very dangerous. You are bathing them with your consciousness and if you are conditioning it with experiences in the Land of the Four Bad Pillars, then they may feel pain.

  • Thank you for your great mercy, I think of you daily and doing so prompts me to try harder.

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - You cannot escape your Karma to be a "guru", teacher. It comes from you father, no? So, how to do it so the pressure goes to Krsna and you can do your part of the work!