Please accept my humble obeisances to you.

4 years, 2 months ago by nara narayana rsi das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to you Gurudeva

Dear Gurudeva, here Nara-Narayana Rsi das from Buenos Aires, Argentina I hope you are very well. please accept my humble obeisances to you.

HpS - Very, very nice to hear from you. We think of your all often and wish we could get your association.

Dear Gurudeva, I really hope you are very well, I am constantly hearing about you, thanks to the mercy of my Godbrothers who share information on social networks.

This has been a very unusual year, the quarantine has put the university in online mode, which has helped to take the decision to live in the temple of Buenos Aires to take the association and shelter of Sri Sri Goura Nitai and his devotees. I have been living in the temple for almost 3 months and it has been very good since I arrived, I feel that it has been a good decision. I am serving as pujari at noon, cooking for Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, making arati and placing the deities to rest. I am learning a lot and doing service with a lot of meditation and kindness.

HpS - Before They did not have noon arati, no? Just evening???

Now that the university has gone online, I have the desire to travel to the US, when possible of course and Krishna and covid-19 allow it. I would like to know the places where Srila Prabhupada was, serve as pujari or whatever is necessary and take the opportunity to practice fluent English. I am willing to stay longer than 2 years in a temple in the USA.

Do you have any suggestions on where Gurudeva would be good to go? I will be speaking with some devotees who live in the USA to consult the different possibilities that may arise.

Again, I hope you are doing very well.

I hope I can become a useful disciple.


Nara-Narayana Rsi Dasa

HpS - More than where, is who. Look for good association, people who will inspire you to improve your service. How to improve your Sankirtan.

Already you have so much. Now, how can you share it.

Maybe go to Spain.

Do you read the KRSNA book a lot. The first edition was the size of 'carta Americana' and 13.5 puntos! Very good for meditating the book. Live in Dvaraka con Krsna.

Become an arquitecto?