Christmas cookie distribution

4 years, 1 month ago by Kamagayatri in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Haré Krsna Gurú Maharaj,

Please accept our most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We are completely elated by your recent lecture on book distribution Guru Maharaj! So many gems and highlights to glean on. My most favorite is your encouragement towards the organizers to incorporate Brahman participation to encourage and sustain the management and devotee community infrastructure.

Would it be ok to ask the Brahmans in the community who are the most talented at lecturing to have a regular program?

HpS - Sure!

There are various programs going on right now, but I would like to organize a program just for the whole devotee community to participate in and be inspired by.

HpS - All I know about is our regular ASA programs. They are not so great but they exist. Others??? ? Mooo!

I wanted to give an update that we had a successful Gita Jayanti with over 20 children (which included 8 regular Sunday school children) reciting well pronounced BG verses during the 5 hour program.

HpS - ASA ---- !!!!!

Also, the Sunday school distributed over 200 sweets to congregation and City Of Lights women and children’s shelter for the 5th Prasadam bake sale. Each year it funds new Srimad Bhagavatam activity books for the Boise Sunday school program.

ASA - Stop! Stop! It is too much ecstacy! We will have to leave our body.

Here is the Facebook link Guru Maharaj for the regular Sunday darshan from 12-2. Also we will broadcast darshan on New Years for the annual Japathon from 10-6.

I am struggling with the papa pequeño now becoming the size of a melon! I am trying to beat exhaustion and getting a cold this last week.

Attending the MA and Japa program has become more difficult but I am still trying to regularly attend the LA MA and chant before the kids wake up. Chanting from 8-10 pm is my second backup once the kids go to bed. Trying to divide my rounds into segments during weeks like this to still make sure all of my rounds are completed.

HpS - Wonder woman kills all the evil Nazis and saves the world! Thank you!!!! Just hang in there and do your best. Krsna will help (a lot!). Even a dog can take part in this movement and dance in ecstacy!!!

You are pioneering a path that many will follow.

It seems like it will be amazing.

When you get tired just say, "Oh, my God, Krsna! That's all I can do! Help!" and He will hit send the Tinkerbell to put your to rest for awhile and have Mickey Mouse, the Sorcerer's Apprentice to fill the buckets. I am joking a little bit, but I really ahve experienced this.

I tried to curb my deep Christmas samskara spending spree by spending 40 Percent on homemade gifts for devotees and coworkers, Christmas cards with Radhanath Swami quotes, deity paraphernalia, and Radha Krsna Gaura Nitai Nirsimha dolls for the girls. Somehow a materialist side of me came out which I would like to control more? I have rarely had extra money in my life so far, so I am trying to put it towards saving for our house essentials for the new property and not spending frivously but saving.

I cooked a Sunday feast by myself (Malai kofta) for distribution to 25 guests and devotees this last Sunday and this seems to dovetail some spending desires.

Please let me know if you have any advice of how I can suppress/dovetail ego building tendencies that come with having a profession and Lakshmi.

HpS - Just do what you are doing. Bhisma deva said that we can save money by avoiding bad association.

I am very fearful of it changing me as a devotee and how to cultivate humility. How did Maharaj Parikshit cultivate this mood so seamlessly ? How do great devotees like you Guru Maharaj and Radhika Raman, who are so intelligent but also have so much humility cultivate this quality?

TB - Krsna sends advice through devotees and the heart but if we ignore that then He sends strong impetous from the environment ( that we can't ignore the message. We just have to accept all this mercy.

Thsnkyou (!) so much for tolerating my meanderings. I would like to go through your Blog, newsletter, and Wandering Miscreantd archives Guru Maharaj to start extracting your Poetry to create a compilation if you will allow me to engage in this service. Please let me know how I may be able to find your poetry/prose. Is there a way to find archived newsletters? Can I search your blog posts in the monkey warrior?

Your lowly aspiring servant,

Kamagayatri devi dasi

HpS - Maybe some of the stuff that TB/BW post on Twitter???