Second Initiation

4 years, 2 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to you... All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Guru Maharaj hope you are doing well.

HpS - Still have these chest aches at times and unless we learn to work without stress we feel this body could collapse very easily.

We are doing fine here and doing some Seva in Kalachandji Temple. The temple has now resumed the garland services so I got garland services twice a week, I also have Prabhupada Aartik sewa and Tulasi sewa.

HpS - Sri Guru carana padma... !!

Guru Maharaj by your mercy I am following four regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds daily.

Guru Maharaj we have started the last book Bhagvad Gita in Bhakti Shastri, completed 5 Chapters and now Gopal Hari Prabhu is taking the classes and managing Bhakti Shastri. As you said we had asked about me giving the test early before the actual course completion so that I can get the Bhakti Shastri certificate for second initiation before Gaura Poornima. Prabhu said he will not be able to give the early exam before the course finishes. But said he could write a letter that says that I have almost completed Bhakti Sastri and he has no doubt that I will get a degree. But if that doesn’t work he will contact VIHE and ask them for permission to give the exam early.

My sole purpose behind taking second initiation is to cook for and dress Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji. I can also take the initiation after April once I have completed Bhakti Shastri. Whatever you think is right we are ready to do that Guru Maharaj. 

Guru Maharaj I sent an edited version of Japa Joe through email to you. I didn’t edit for content but added a few references and formatted it. Please take a look at it when you get some time and guide me on how I should proceed with it. 

HpS - When-did-you send it?? =}----> We don't see it in any of our regular folders and it is not in our Spam folder for the last few daze???? Thank you.

Please always keep me in your service Guru Maharaja.

Yours Servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

HpS - When will the course with the Gopal hari Das finish?