Nuestros esfuerzos

3 years, 12 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Disculpe que no he respondido pronto, respecto al tema de los requisitos para iniciaciones y lo establecido por el GBC, hablé con prabhu Tejas vit, corrobora que el GBC conoce la propuesta de México, le pedirá que se comunique con usted. 

Por otro lado, para reducir contagios del covid -19 declararon semáforo rojo para la ciudad de México hasta el 10 de Enero, el templo mantendrá sus puertas cerradas, los servicios para la Deidad continúan dándonos oportunidad de seguir regando la raíz, quizás es oportunidad de que trataremos de ofrecer más limpieza interna y externa a Sus Señorías.

Recuerdo que una vez le comenté que había preocupación de las pujaris respecto a qué tipo de sari usamos en el altar y Usted me respondió que todo era importante, pero más importante era evitar la crítica y ofensas entre los pujaris.

Estoy tratando de reflexionar en como a pesar que no hubo pureza en el canto de Ajamila obtuvo la liberación y esto sucedió porque no hubo ofensas, honestamente creo que las únicas ofensas en el canto del Santo nombre que podria estar evitando es que no considero el nombre de los semidioses iguales o independiente del Señor Visnu, no blasfemo la literatura vedica y somos respetuosos con las que concuerdan.

Mi pregunta sería cuál es la literatura sagrada que no concuerdan ? Por esta naturaleza femenina a veces soy muy sentimental y podría confundir.

Seguiré esforzándome.

Recuerdo una vez haciendo sankirtana en el bus presenté el libro acerca de la reencarnación, una señora empezó a gritarme que era cosa del diablo, tuve que hablar poco porque la voz de ella era más potente que la mía, me acerqué y la saludé lo más amable que pude; unos minutos antes alguien me había regalado una hermosa imagen del Señor Jesucristo, así que le regale esa imagen y simplemente derritió su corazón, empezó a ser cariñosa y felicitarme por mi labor de predica mientras apreciaba el libro, me despedí, bajé del bus y ella seguía gritando a distancia " sigue adelante!, está bien lo que estás haciendo, que Dios te bendiga"

Imaginé que el Señor Jesucristo también me acompañaba.

Ella no llevó el libro pero felicito el servicio y les dijo a todos que era correcto lo que estaba haciendo, nunca había visto un cambio tan drástico.

Feliz Navidad a los lectores del blog.

Disculpen mis estupideces por favor.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Excuse me that I have not responded soon, regarding the issue of the requirements for initiations and what is established by the GBC, I spoke with prabhu Tejas vit, he corroborates that the GBC is aware of Mexico's proposal, he will ask him to contact you.

On the other hand, to reduce COVID-19 infections, they declared a red light for Mexico City until January 10, the temple will keep its doors closed, the services for the Deity continue to give us the opportunity to continue watering the root, perhaps it is an opportunity to that we will try to offer more internal and external cleaning to the Honorable Members.

I remember that I once commented to you that the pujaris were concerned about what type of sari we wear at the altar and you answered me that everything was important, but more important was to avoid criticism and offenses among the pujaris.

I am trying to reflect on how even though there was no purity in Ajamila's chant he obtained liberation and this happened because there were no offenses, I honestly believe that the only offenses in the chant of the Holy Name that I could be avoiding is that I do not consider the name of the equal or independent demigods of Lord Visnu, I do not blaspheme the Vedic literature and we are respectful of those who agree.

My question would be what is the sacred literature that does not match?

[Mi pregunta sería cuál es la literatura sagrada que no concuerdan?]

HpS - Is very nice letter, but we could not understand your question??? I think it is a comparison but we do not see what things are being compared.

Due to this feminine nature I am sometimes very sentimental and could be confusing.

I will keep trying.

I remember once doing sankirtana on the bus, I presented the book about reincarnation, a lady began to shout at me that it was the devil's thing, I had to speak little because her voice was more powerful than mine, I approached and greeted her as much kind that I could; A few minutes before someone had given me a beautiful image of the Lord Jesus Christ, so I gave her that image and it simply melted her heart, she began to be affectionate and congratulate me on my preaching work while I appreciated the book, I said goodbye, got off the bus and she I kept shouting at a distance "go ahead! It's fine what you're doing, God bless you"

I imagined that the Lord Jesus Christ was also with me.

She did not carry the book but she complimented the service and she told everyone that what she was doing was correct, she had never seen such a drastic change.

HpS - This is why it is so amazing that we hear people saying that the whole universe operates according the rules of mathematics.

Merry Christmas to the blog readers.

Excuse my stupid things please.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - Thank you very much. Enlivening letter. We go ahead with improving our service. Don't have to wait for others. If we really improve then it is help to them to advance.