regarding your suggestion of interviewing people

4 years, 2 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Dear guru maharaj,

Please accept my dandavat pranams.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

Regarding your suggestion "Why don't you write? Interview people. Make comments on modern world? Krsna will give you opportunities."

The more I am getting older, I am realizing what a dumb headed fool I am.

HpS - Awww! That was Socrate's realization. He is pretty famous guy.

I was thinking that if I try to open my mouth, my foolishness is revealed. I honestly don't have any skills, guru maharaj, and kind of simpleton.

Even my chanting is mechanical and I have to walk or do something else physically so that I don't fall asleep.

I don't have slightest determination guru maharaj.

HpS - I can't believe that or your would not be bathing and smell bad.

Probably one of the most disqualified that you have as a disciple.

HpS - No!!! There was one worse! What was his name?? I forget. 😁 He only bathed once a week.

I am very much attached to money and other things. If I talk about Krishna consciousness, I would sound like a hypocrite.

your aspirig servant

Nc das

HpS - Why are you attached to money? Write for the Blog. How much money is enough in the modern world? Dollar amount with explanation? What would you want with the money?